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Axis to Axis Transformation and Wireframe construction geometry

Axis to Axis Transformation and Wireframe construction geometry

Coming from a Catia background, I use wireframe geometry combined with linked parameters extensively in developing kinematic motion models that eventually form the core of a linkage design. Part of the kinematic solution, involves rotating points relative to axis systems that represent intermediate motion of the linkage. The feature I need is the ability to set up multiple axis systems, and then transform a geomtric element from one axis to the other.


example - I have a axis system at the origin XYZ, and a secondary axis that has an origin at 1,1,0, and also rotated 30 degrees. Allow a point, or element to be selected, then moved from the original axis system to the new one, and maintain that link relationship (this is critical). Later allowing the position and angle of the coordinate system to be modified, and have the corresponding geometry move in relation to that axis system.


This feature could also be used to move solids. It's invaluable from a kinematic solution standpoint as the methods I use are based on geometry and it's a huge pain to not have axis translation capability.

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Status changed to: RUG-jp審査通過

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