Users often need to set parts in positions that are relative to a general frame of reference. As it stands the current Construction option-set only considers planes, lines and points relative to the features of a body or sketch. Moreover, there is no feature to directly create construction lines at offset positions from body edges, faces or points. Most vector drawing applications offer a global reference via canvas-level guides.
In the case of Fusion, the user would have the ability to draw/create sketches/bodies by placing vertices on absolute coordinate values within the grid.
Currently there is no way to specify the coordinates of a vertex when inserting a point.
The user would have by default the grid's centre as the origin of the coordinate system, or define a custom origin.
Grid-level guide overlays could be defined at specific coordinates. The process of creating guides would be similar to the 'insert edge' command: The function would insert color-coded grid lines at precise coordinates (interactively, and/or by typing a value) within the grid. All three grid planes would support their own set of guides. Guides could be toggled in one of two modes: Orthographic would mean the guides would move with the grid planes, and 3D would mean the guides would remain as line segments in space, independently of the grid plane they were created on.