another precaution about this post !!
Be aware that those commands should NOT be used if you are running other Autodesk products on that machine like Maya for instance.
So we are now at take 3 !
Hi Seb,
Here is a solution if and only if you do not care about metadata and old projects !!
So if the answer is yes, that you do not need to preserve anything then you can proceed with a clean install.
To perform a clean install on you mac:
as super user, type the following commands in a terminal:
rm -rf /usr/discreet/
rm -rf /opt/Autodesk/
rm -rf /Library/Application\ Support/Autodesk/
rm -rf /Applications/Autodesk/
pkgutil --pkgs | grep autodesk | xargs -n1 pkgutil --forget
then, reinstall Flame.
Flame will then install and launch successfully !