Hi emirthecet,
It is possible to offset the entire curve with all the keyframes at once.
Ensure you select the entire animation curve by clicking on the animation channel to the left of the curve. For example, if you want to move position X, click X channel and it will select the entire curve.
Next, to the right of the animation editor, you will find the four tab menus. Ensure you are looking at the KEYFRAME tab. Ihe first row of objects, you will see the math operations pull down menu. Normally the menu is set to REVERSE by default. Click the pull down menu and change it to Translate Y.
When you adjust the slider next to the pull down menu, any value you enter in the text box will offset the selected curve with all its keyframes.
This is the most accurate way of doing it.
You could also select all the keyframes on the curve using CONTROL and dragging a box selection around the keyframes. The keyframes will become highlighted and you can either drag them manually or use the Translate Y option I mentioned earlier in this message.
Hope this helps!
Grant Kay
Principal Learning Content Developer
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