Andy has asked for ideas for Designline templates.
I have been thinking about this for a while and I think with this suggestion we could eliminate the majority of dynamic sub assemblies and this would be a lot easier to create and modify.
Setup Services
Have a tab is Setup Services for Designline Templates
Have he ability to copy from one service to another
I would like to double click and edit from within the service setup and/or another location within the database.
Also have the ability to copy/paste/rename and edit for similar templates
Design Line Template Editor
Line Segments
Have a graphical display of the Template
Have the ability to define/name each line segment for an explanation to the user
Have the ability to edit Constraints, Length of segments, Elevation, Position From, Fall, Float and Ignore hangers.
The elevation will not be used to define an elevation typically, but to unlock/release it from an absolute elevation like we have in the templates now, how ever we would need to set the insertion point to and absolute for everything else that is set to relative to follow. If we had a drop to a Lavatory of water closet, we may want to set that line segment to an elevation.
We want to be able to define/change the source
We want to be able to edit Button Codes, Constraints, Type, Elevation, Movable, and Rotation
Template Setup / Placement
Now instead of listing the constraints an we do currently, we have an explanation for each segment for the user
We would also like the ability to change constraints and line lengths during placement.