How can I report any/all ITM Parameters in Revit?


How can I report any/all ITM Parameters in Revit?


Within Revit, not all ITM parameters are reportable. A critical one includes the value of the offset for an offset fitting in ductwork. The parameter exists and is editable in through the Edit Part dialogue, but it cannot be reported in schedules or tags.


Our work around for vertical offsets has been a calculated field comparing the top elevation and bottom elevation of the part to the depth, and returning the difference. This method is prone to error though. For example, if the part has been rotated, the depth is now the width. Additionally, this method cannot work when the offset is a horizontal offset.


We encountered a this issue with reporting leg extensions and radiuses for duct elbows as well. Our fix there was to pay our software engineer to pull the data from the ITM and copy it into a parameter we could report on. This works, but because it's a copy, the value can change and then our information is wrong.


Does anyone have a method or tool which would allow us to report all the ITM parameters in Revit?


(More context: this is typically for sending a BOM to a supplier of bought-out spiral and oval duct. We fabricate the rectangular, so having all the information on a report isn't critical)

Replies (2)


There are a few tools out there that meets your requirements.

  1. MICLOGIC (Great features, itm parameters can be live or manually pushed. There's a free version and a paid version. Created by a knowledgeable guy in our industry).
  2. BMA FabTools Revit Plugin - BIM-MEP AUS ( Automatic tag placement, Bi directional parameter mapping. You can change the shared parameter value and it updates the itm value or visa versa. $100 Australian dollars.
  3. DiStem Bundle for Autodesk Revit - productivity Revit Plugins by DiRoots (Allows you to map any parameter. Its free but its still in Beta, there are some bugs mostly for hanger rod lengths).

I would read up on each one, the Miclogic has an attacher arrow similar to CADMEP that shows which way up your fittings are, so this would resolve your other issue.


Along with the list of software Craig listed you could also use something like Dynamo if you have some basic understanding of the Revit API.  Another would be if you have any shop tracking/spooling software like Stratus implemented you could generate that report from as its exposes all the data.

Nathan Chapman
Production Manager at General Heating and Air Conditioning

Revit Architecture Certified Professional
Revit MEP Mechanical Certified Professional
Revit MEP Electrical Certified Professional
DynaFabrication Package Author

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