Student ID Submission Not Availible


Student ID Submission Not Availible




I'm a senior year student in High School looking to re-install Autodesk Inventor on my home computer so I can work on 3d-modeling projects outside of school. I've used inventor on my personal PC in the past and need to reinstate my educational access so I can use it again, though I'm having an issue doing so.


I've followed the steps so far to refresh my access (as many FAQs, guides, and emails show, even here on the forums), but for some reason there is absolutely no place for me to submit any form of ID. In the past I've had no trouble doing this while setting up my account, but now, where I'm sure there sould be an option for me to upload a picture or document that informs of my enrollment, there is nothing at all. I can easily fill out other boxes and my School is definitely a qualified/registared eucational institution, so I'm not sure where this issue is coming from, be it either on Autodesk's side or SheerID's.


Nothing I've looked through seems to have any information on this issue. The Autodesk AI assistant does not have anything it can give me to resolve it or go around to submit proff of enrollment through other means. Additionall, as there is no human agent support for an Educational Accounts or renewal (LINK 1, LINK 2), there is no means for me to be brute forced into the system. Unfortunately, me trying to solve this issue on my own as a result has also led me to reach "the maximum number of verification attempts" for my Education account, of which there is no realistic way for me to refresh. The message referes that I "contact support" if I need to try again, but again, there is no support for this specific issue. Even stranger yet, after failing to be successfully entered into the Education program, I still recived an email from AutoDesk congradulating me on entering the Educational Community. Luckily this did give me a site review to comment on the process, but I doubt that it will help me resolve the overall issue.


I would try and create a new account if I hadn't already tied my name and personal info to this one, but I fear that still no option to submit an ID will appear, resulting in a waste of time and continuation of this issue.


Asking for help here on the forums seems to be the only reasonable option left, as, well, there's nothing left for me to do. I've been familiar with Autodesk and their AutoCAD programs for 4 years now, but I just can't figure this one out. Several of my friends have even recently made their own accounts (though all new accounts, not renewed), yet I'm the only one that's had this problem occur.


Does anyone know any way to resolve this and get my account renewed? Is there any known fix that will allow me to submit my identification to Autodesk, or a way to contact someone who can?


Thank you for the support.


Edit: Just tried opening on Microsoft Edge rather than Google Chrome and still nothing loaded. Autodesk's website seems to be broken on FireFox (or at least the banner does to me), so I can't check there. I've also checked on my phone (Safari), and, once again, there is no place for me to give a student ID. 😑

Accepted solutions (1)
2 Replies
Replies (2)


Hi @taspina06,

I've created a support ticket for you, and our support team will reach out soon,

Please let me know if you have any further issues,

All the best,

Please 'Like' posts that are helpful. If a post answers your question then feel free to click the 'Mark as Solution'

Leo Warren
Community Platform & Operations Manager
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Accepted solution

Hi @LeoWarrenADSK 

I just recently opened the same Autodesk educational account activation page page I had gotten stuck on previously, but this time on one of my school's computers and their internet network. On that same page, pressing the submit button initially gave me the same error as yesterday, saying "Please upload a copy of documentation issued to you by your educational institution (e.g. tuition receipt or student ID, employee ID) as proof that you attend, teach or are employed at a qualified educational institution " without given me page to do so. I then tried once more to click the same button, though this time it instead brought me to an entirely different page saying that exact same message however with correct options to add such documentation, when before the message just that error message in yellow.


I'm so sorry for the issue from before, it seems to have solved itself. It's possible that my home's internet provider blocked something from sending to the Autodesk servers, as it has done so before (the only other site that this has happened with is, and I am completely unable to access certain regions of their site on my house's network, which was eerily similar to this issue. Additionally, when I tried on my phone, I was also connected to my house's internet, so it doesn't seem to be device related at all). Other than that, I have no idea what could have caused such an issue, but I'm really just thankful it's gone!


Thank you again for providing a support ticket for my case before, even if I didn't end up needing it. Have a great day!