Dynamo Office Hours: Live at Autodesk University 2022 (Repeat session due to popularity)

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Live in person at Autodesk University 2022. 8:00am CST

Want to discuss Dynamo stuff, but find that attending virtual community conversations while at a conference is hard to do? You’re in luck! Come join Jacob Small and Shaan Hurley as we discuss Dynamo related which comes to mind. We’ll start with some cool sessions to attend while at AU, random Dynamo things we are up to, and as always will take live (and for once not digital!) questions from people in attendance.

Regrettably, we will not be able to provide a live Zoom broadcast due to some issues with Wifi at the event.

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Event details
  • Thursday, September 29, 2022
  • 06:00 AM PDT
  • English (US)
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The time under "Add to Calendar" is correct (adjusted for your time zone) - 8:00 am US Central time.  The 1:30 PM CST noted in the text (as of 8/17/2022 @ 8:14 am US EDT) is a cut and paste from the Tuesday session.



David Koch
AutoCAD Architecture and Revit User
Blog | LinkedIn


@David_W_Koch I was copying the original and editing and just missed that fine detail while had it scheduled correctly. Thanks for keeping me on my toes. I need to slow down, but wanted people to be able to get into that session before it filled up too.

Shaan Hurley
Between the Lines Blog
@ShaanHurley on Twitter

No worries.  I completely understand and appreciate the heads up.  I had that time slot open and was able to sign up for the second session.

David Koch
AutoCAD Architecture and Revit User
Blog | LinkedIn