Let's talk about Electronics in Fusion. Ask me Anything about it.

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Richard Hammerl, a Fusion 360 Community Specialist in Electronics
responded to questions on Electronics in Fusion.

Session Recording:


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Event details
  • Wednesday, February 23, 2022
  • 08:00 AM PST
  • English (US)
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Having MULTIPLE files ( documents) for a PCB Design , i.e Sch, brd, 3d, project makes it difficult to navigate, especially when working on more than one pcb at a time., but even in just one design.

I did suggest this idea in this forum some time ago by combining all PCB files into one "Container" so it only appears as one file/document in the data panel and as only one TAB in the workspace.


To switch between views sch/brd/3d ect, there should be buttons in the pcb design space (we sort of already have this but it just switches tabs) .


If we could have a user preference that allow the electronic documents to be either..

1) Display and organise pcb documents how it is currently

2) Display as one document.


What do you think.


Just so you know, The lack of this feature make me not want to use fusion 360. im just not excited about using F360.


please discuss.



Can we please discuss a current ROADMAP of features coming to the PCB workspace this year.


I am afraid i don't like what's coming, I believe the library will still be slow, confusing and difficult.

I don't believe we will ever get a proper LIVE BOM system for all components both electronic and mechanical