I developed an interesting user interface extension for AutoCAD.
This is a popup palette with customizable buttons that replaces the default popup menu.
Reducing the mouse run on the screen compared to using typical interfaces: ribbon and toolbars.
Exclusion of routine operations when using complex commands, including the purpose of the properties of the created objects: layer, color, Lineweight and linetype, dimension style, text style, linetype scale and dimensions, before executing the main complex or simple command. Inserting blocks from the tool palette.
Execution of complex commands with assignment of options and setting of optional parameters.
Using various groups of commands - tabs on the context toolbar (hereinafter ctp).
Customizable button size on the ctp for easy command selection. The use of high resolution images on the ctp buttons. Create and use custom icon themes.
Customizable color for controls on ctp. For comfortable use.
Some additional languages (automatic translation, correct if necessary):
Copy Language_Name.xml file into 'language' folder.
For Autodesk App Store version : "C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\ctpCAD.Bundle\Contents\language\"
For https://ctpcad.com version: "installed_ctpCAD\language\"
Examples: monitor resolution UHD 3840*2160. Classic interface with button sizes of 100*100 pixels. Various color themes.
Оригинальненько, конечно 🙂 Я только сомневаюсь, что удаться пользователей подсадить на новый интерфейс. Они даже ленточные меню до сих пор отключают. И в BricsCAD Квад-меню (аналогичное по сути вашему) тоже отключают. Но в любом случае желаю успехов!
ctpCAD can replace the classic interface with a panel with large, easy-to-read icons, the size and color scheme of which is assigned by the user. The example below uses icons with a size of 100*100 pixels, and a high contrast orange theme. This significantly reduces eye strain during operation, compared to a simple classic interface.
ctpCAD может заменить классический интерфейс на панели с крупными, легко читаемыми значками, размер и цветовую гамму которых назначает пользователь. В примере ниже использованы значки с размером 100*100 пикселей, и оранжевая тема большой контрастности. Что существенно уменьшает нагрузку на зрение во время работы, по сравнению с простым классическим интерфейсом.
The user can turn off the main palette and use the classic interface with larger buttons.
Пользователь может отключить главную палитру и использовать классический интерфейс с увеличенным размером кнопок.
Example: UHD 3840*2160. Button size: 100 pix.
App is published in Autodesk App Store.
Some additional languages (automatic translation, correct if necessary):
Copy Language_Name.xml file into 'language' folder.
For Autodesk App Store version : "C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\ctpCAD.Bundle\Contents\language\"
For https://ctpcad.com version: "installed_ctpCAD\language\"
A new feature is being developed that will allow you to combine buttons into logical groups. It provides for marking the group with color and highlighting the last button pressed in the group.
This function helps to see which property, such as color, line type, line weight, has been selected. And for some other purposes.
New version 3.1 with feature "Buttons Groups" availible https://ctpcad.com/enDownload.html
Also uploaded for pre-moderation in Autodesk App Store. Waiting for publication.
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