What’s New in Revit 2025.2?


Here's a question for you. Did you know the Revit 2025.2 update was just pushed out on July 23rd, 2024? It has some interesting updates for you to play with.


How to get the update:

  • Log into manage.autodesk.com
  • Go to All Products and Services
  • Go to Revit Tile and dig into the details
  • Under the "Updates" tab, find it here
  • Download and install it, pronto.  Ensure you DO NOT have any Autodesk applications running


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Here are a couple of my favorite updates from Revit 2025.2.


Tabbed Project Browser Functionality:

This feature allows you to filter your views based upon All, Views, Legends, Sheets, Families, Groups, and Links.  It's a good update to help you see only what you want.

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New Manage Links Dialog Box:

It shows the nine types of link data (Revit models, IFC links, CAD Formats, DWF Markups, Point Clouds, Topography, PDF, Images, and Coordination Model) as groups in a tree structure counted for easier management and navigation.  You can filter groups and search a link, and see detailed information on each data type on a collapsible side panel on the right side.


A row of operation tools is listed at the top and dynamically generated by type and status.


You can customize the visibility of each column in the Show Columns list via the gear icon button on the top right of the table.  To access the full address of a link, you can now view it in the tooltips, and directly copy it from the Saved Path column.


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Be sure to check out Autodesk Help for more information about all the updates included as part of Revit 2025.2:  https://help.autodesk.com/view/RVT/2025/ENU/?guid=GUID-C81929D7-02CB-4BF7-A637-9B98EC9EB38B


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