Well here we are. This is exactly what users predicted: this new release was rammed through according to what ADs internal teams wanted to make this site, while ignoring what users need this site to be for it to be a functional tool.
It is obvious the minimum amount of effort was put into listening to and executing user feedback of the A/B test before shoving out this new release. (This text box that I'm typing in is still buggy, for crying out loud! 😪 )
And now the response will be "please just give us more feedback".
Why? so you can continue to compile it to some black hole that does not ever see the light of day.
How much more of users' time are they expected to donate to this update project?
What an absolutely demoralizing experience to subject paying customers to. People are here to find solutions to problems with the software they paid for, they should not be subjected to a site that is this poorly executed and then asked to spend their time helping the developers bring it back up to the level of the site that it replaced.
< I have removed the meme I posted here voluntarily, I think it served it's purpose 😉 >