@Tiana_Y , thank you for that update, that information is much more meaningful and better matches the expectations of those following this issue.
As for the communication, again it's all about reading the room and matching the level of severity and sincerity. Messaging can be positive, without coming across as insincere. Often when we try to force positivity into a message it can inflame a situation rather than help it. For instance when addressing someone that has expressed frustration, closing with "Have a great day!" can undermine the sincerity of the message, even if we were truly wishing the person a great day.
With the recent string of disruptive events introduced by both this archiving and the modernization project, the communication has been consistently off the mark, and in both projects user input has been ignored. I think everyone recognizes the lack of public acknowledgement concerning the mistakes that have been made with these projects, and I would encourage you and your teammates to recognize that it is because of the lack of acknowledgement, that forced positivity will come across much more insincere to your audience than it is intended. Ideally as pcrawley mentioned, a "we made a mistake" communication would be extended, and that simple acknowledgement would help ease the tension and allow things to move on. But I think we all know that no such acknowledgement is going to happen, and we know why.
Nonetheless, I think the way forward will be through corrective action first, and then timely, informative, and well distributed communication about the corrective measures, as directly as possible to those who have expressed concerns, in the places they have expressed those concerns.
We are just now seeing such actions. But up until now it has been no communication, or a lot of "hey we hear you and we care" accompanied and followed by no visible action. I look forward to getting this archiving issue remedied so we can move on. I am painfully aware of the huge amount of my own time I have had to invest just to get anyone to even talk about this, and so these first steps to fixing what has been broken are very welcome, but not at all exciting.
Again, thank you for the update... and have a great day! 😛 😂 ( no but seriously, the thank you is sincere 🙂)