I've noticed that the HGL isn't calculating or displaying correctly in Storm Sewers Version 11 in some instances. I've seen several examples where the HGL is sloping the opposite direction of the flow, which is not possible. Here are some examples.
I ran it with the "Check for Inlet Control" option selected and got similar (although not the same?) results as you, which seem reasonable to me. I'm satisfied with these results. Thanks for the help, Fred! I don't see any reason to not always run EMS with the settings, ran in a flash for this model.
Well, so much for that. Now I'm getting bad results in another part of the model. See Line 21 below, EGL and HGL have negative slope....
Yes, too bad..It's doing the same thing in my 2020 version..
I submitted it as a support case, and Winston has told me he will be bringing it to their meeting this Friday. So we'll see.
They need to issue an hotfix to get people up and working again.
I am having the same issue: EGL rising in the downstream direction with no added energy from a pump, etc. "Correct EGL Discrepancies" is enabled. Was there a resolution to this issue?
I am having a similar issue, i.e. EGL rising in downstream direction with no additional energy added. "Correct EGL Discrepancies" is enabled. Was there a resolution to this issue, or is this a bug with the software? Thank you.
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