I'm trying to edit the grades between feature lines i created. At first I can use the quick elevation edit tool to change them then after a few min it quits working. Sometimes some of them will randomly allow me to change the grade once then after that i can't get the green triangle and snap to it. Some feature lines never allow me to snap do them and change anything at all. I can snap to most of the PI's and see the elevation at them, some of them I can't.
Yes I have layer 0 on and unfrozen
Yes the feature lines are all in the same site
Yes the feature lines are all the same style
Yes I've tried exploding them as polylines and converting them back to feature lines
Yes I've tried deleting PI's and recreating them
Yes I've tried turning hardware acceleration off under graphics performance
I'm pretty frustrated, I googled and looked through the forums I can't figure out what to do I'm out of ideas. Anyone know what to do? I'm using 2017 on windows 7.
Hi @Anonymousm welcome to the Autodesk forum, does your feature lines cross?
Are this feature lines part of a grading group?
Or they need to be independent of each other?
Could you please upload a pic of how your elevation editor looks like...
Tatiana Machado
BIM Manager/ Autodesk Certified Instructor
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InfraWorks Ambassador
I am also receiving these issues where the Quick Elevation Editor will only allow one point to be edited, then we have to escape out and try again, but if we audit, it finds one error. Once the audit is ran, we are able to then repeat the command, but eventually after repeating this it causes the drawing to crash.
Trying to edit feature lines in C3D 2019 and I'm getting the same problem. This command is very useful when it is working. I've tried everything listed in this thread and nothing has fixed it. Very frustrated.
Make sure that UCS is set to World when working with feature lines. I usually set a view, then set UCS back to world. Feature lines don't like UCS.
I have had no issues with this tool in 2019.
Hope that helps,
Thanks for the response. My UCS was/is set to world.
I did find another issue and fixing that issue also fixed the problem with the QEE tool.
I started using the elevation editor panel and noticed that I had some crossing PI's where there wasn't any lines. I made sure my layers were all on and thawed and detached all the XREF's and still had this PI that I couldn't get rid of. So, I created a new site and started moving all my feature lines to that site. That did the trick. Now I can use the QEE tool on all my feature lines and the strange crossing PI's are gone.
Hope this helps someone else.
A little late to the party, but creating a new site and moving the feature line to the new site fixed the issue for me.
Thanks for the tip!
Featurelines are one of the most sensitive objects in C3D, if you start experiencing weird things happening to your file those are signs of corruption, AUDIT your file to fix any errors until the results of the commands return 0
Tatiana Machado
BIM Manager/ Autodesk Certified Instructor
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InfraWorks Ambassador
Your issue is fixed but future readers should also note the command line options with the Quick Elevation Edit (QEE) tool.
If you have feature lines on multiple Sites you will need the QEE command line options to change to the featurelines current site. This tool only works on the 'current' Site.
Note in the attachment that the cursor is hovered over the green fline in Site 1 but it only highlights the blue fline in Site2 because that is the current site. Using the S option in the command line will permit editing of the other fline.
Also note that UCS's have no adverse impact on the QEE tool and IME every featureline command works in World coords and any UCS.
John Mayo
Recently came across this solution.
The QQE will stop referencing other feature lines if you create feature lines on a different site. If you add a new feature line to the site you are working within it will then take preference to the feature lines associated with that site.......make sense?
I created a feature line on a TEMP site and style and lost my ability the QQE the feature lines on my DESIGN site. So I drafted one feature line back on the DESIGN site and style and then my QQE was working for those feature lines again.
While using the command, there is a option to choose a Site. Select it and a feature line on the site you want to edit and it will switch the active site.
Sites are a great way to separate feature lines that should interact. Doing different things in other words.
I had the same issue and this was the fix! ALWAYS have UCS set to World coordinates when working in Civil3D!
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