Problem with using the cross section. Doesn't show the surface line at all...


Problem with using the cross section. Doesn't show the surface line at all...

I haven't changed how I've been doing these things for the last 3 years. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't work right. Like this example here. I created the surface, created an alignment, created the sample line. My cross section comes out only half complete. Unfortunately I still have problems with this site and can't add an attachment to show you guys. The best I can do is explain...ugh. But the cross section shows up but it's missing the info of the actual surface. It shows the grid lines and where the grid stops is the surface but doesn't show the surface line from left to right on any of the cross sections. Just shows blank areas instead. I hope someone can understand what I'm trying to explain because this gets frustrating when it happens. I've already redone my alignment and sample lines multiple times but still nothing. AGAIN...I can't get this site to work right. I've cleared my history and cache like someone mentioned before but the whole message board shows up blank. Also have problems attaching anything. I can't copy and paste the pic into this message because it won't let me do that either. Someone mention it could be explorer but since I'm at work, this is the only browser I'm able to use.

HP Compaq 8100 Elite
Win 7 Pro SP1 - 64Bit
i7 860 @ 2.80 GHZ

AutoCad Civil 3d 2012 SP1
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All I can suggest are very generic things such as check your section view style to be sure the visibility is on. Also make sure under your section line groups you are sampling the source you are missing (I imagine you are if it is showing a blank spot in your grid where it SHOULD be at).


I went through my styles and turned the visiblity off for my surface, and I could not repoduce a blank spot in my grid. This makes me wonder about the color and linetype settings for that surface... possibly they blend with your background and that is why it looks like a blank spot... 


Just spit balling. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. 



Rob, would you be willing to email your drawing(s)? I'd be happy to take a look. jeffm AT quuxsoft DOT com
As for not being able to attach images from work, sound like one of the script providers for this site is being blocked. But I think you've been over that with the DA.

Jeff_M, also a frequent Swamper

I figured it out...thanks for the reply. For some odd reason, the line that disappeared became a new layer all by itself. Which is weird. I went back into my other drawings, turned that certain layer off and it didn't affect the cross section at all. I don't know. This program always amazes me every time I try using it. Amazes = P.O. This site is making me pull my hair out because it doesn't work right. I only know this was replied because I saw this in my email. I can't do any searching for any topics. I keep having problems with my Bearing and distance annotations too. Every time I go in to fix it, it still comes out the same. Bearing seconds always goes into hundredths and my distance always stays at thousandths. I keep going into the label style composer, click on text component editor, change the precision, hit ok on every thing and it still stays the same. I know I'll need to create another topic and close this one up but again, my computer just doesn't like to show the message board at all.

HP Compaq 8100 Elite
Win 7 Pro SP1 - 64Bit
i7 860 @ 2.80 GHZ

AutoCad Civil 3d 2012 SP1


As for your line labeling question - it sounds like you might be forgetting one crucial step.  When in the text component editor, highlight the part you want to change (a double click will select one component of the label.  Change the precision, the use the Arrow to "Push" the changes to the right.  If you watch closely you will see the P in your label style change from P3 to P2.  Then OK to save those changes.