Product Version: 13.2.2581.0 Civil 3D 2020.4 Update
So I have created View Frames down my alignment and I have output to Profile&Plan sheets through the relevant wizards, creating a sheet set in the process (See ViewFrame_SheetSet.png attached). All is good except for the fact that the View frames appear to not be linked to my outputted drawing sheets (See VFGProps.png attached).
This might not seem like a big issue however the match line labelling is dependent on the link. I have had this situation before and it seems to be an inconsistent thing. In the past I have some VFs link but others not. Obviously my workaround is to explode the match line labels and edit text, but this is not ideal and is time consuming.
So is there a way of linking the VFs to an already existing sheet set?
Many thanks in advance for any assistance.