If I may speak in Mike's behalf,
I know him personally and I can testify that he is not a dealer or in any way connected with Bentley marketing.
He is obviously passionate about his products and is eager to highlight their strengths, but I've never seen him start new posts to advertise or promote his products.
Those are contradicting statements. You stated that he is passionate about and eager to highlight their strenghts, so are they "his" products or are they not?
He has plenty of posts that speak specifically about the advantages of using Bentley projects, and you basically said that by saying "eager to highlight their strengths".
Maybe he isn't in Bentley "Marketing", but is he involved with "Bentley", is the better question.
Mike has plenty to offer and is a value to the community, but I believe he could do so without promoting Bentley, look at his signature... it's right there.
pretty sure thats pushing Bentley
Not sure what you meant by only game... Unless your talking C3D playing smallball.
Bentleys Open Roads Civil technology (SS3 Release) has greatly raised the bar. Unlike Civil3D the product has been released stable. Open Roads is a common Technology in all 3 Bentley Civil Apps (InRoads, GEOPAK and MX Road)..
Rules based design, 100% modeling and we took our users intellectual propert (IE what they know of there current Civil app) and managed to maintain a link to it.
Mike Barkasi
Bentley Civil"
John Hammer, LA/CADD Manager