Hi Dave!
Looks like you're using a good option to tackle this. I'm using LP360 advanced and they have a recommended 2 step process for classifying ground. Create an initial seed surface to use as a reference with the auto settings below (I also filter to last return only and note my subjective seed grid size):

Next step is to rerun algo using the Step 1 seed surface with a larger grid spacing but more stringent filtering values:

The results still aren't perfect and require some manual intervention to classify points using LP360 profile view. In the end even if you get a dyno-supreme point cloud with noise factored out and true ground points classified, you will be left with a ton of points that Civil 3D will choke on.

Terry's Mass Importer has very slick tools to help with the large number of points. However, the best way to define drainage features (like channels) or sharp terrain breaks is via 3D breaklines. To me that is the holy grail if you can find an algo that will auto draw 3D breaklines for these sharp features and build a surface from that infrastructure. So that would give you a lean and mean surface that is decimated but accurate. Now you can use grading tools, etc and not bog down the engineering design process or drawing production workflows. I have to do this 3D breakline conflation manually now in LP360 and it is a HUGE time suck. However, that is part of the game if you want something defensible and accurate for engineering design.
Anyway, I wish there was an easy answer to all of this.
Have a good weekend gents.
Michael M. Carlson
Senior Civil Designer
CADD Manager
AutoCAD Civil 3D Professional
AutoCAD Professional