Has anyone got a lisp that enables you to select cogo points and then based on their descriptions fill out attributes in a block.
cogo point 1 (description="aaa 123" elevation="100.25")
cogo point 2 (description="bbb 123" elevation="300.50")
I the need this to fill out a block where the attribute "aaa" is filled out as "100.25" and "bbb" is filled out as "300.50". I would also like if possible to extract the second part of the description ("123") to fill out another attribute in the block.
I have a lisp that can extract parts of the cogo point to text, but that is as far as i have gotten with it.
At the moment we are manually filling out the blocks, but this becomes quite tedious when there are up to 50+ blocks to fill out.
Hopefully someone can help. Thanks.