Custom transition method in widenings, bus bay issue


Custom transition method in widenings, bus bay issue

Not applicable



I work in a infraestructure office in Chile. When I draw a bus bay I can't use an alignment offset to do it, because the transition type showed in the dialog Box "Offset Alignment Parameters" allows only 4 types of transitions (linear; Curve-line-curve; curve -curve - reverse curve; Curve - reverse curve).


Here, we need to use a Table that contains then incremental widening as function of  the incremental lengh of the total transition.

For example:


If i need to draw a bus bay, and the design velocity is 50 km/hr, i will need a 20 m transition lenght. For each meter of the transition lenght, the incremental widening is diferent. If we assume that the bus bay has 3m of width, the transition will be:


1 m length --> 0.0029*3m width

2 m length --> 0.0126*3m width


5 m length --> 0.1073*3m width

10 m length --> 0.5*3m width


18 m length --> 0.9873 * 3 m width

20 m lenght --> 1* 3 m width.


The cuestion is. Could be possible to customize the transition Type, entering a table parameters, to represent this lenght/width relation? Currently we use polilines as feature lines to target the ensamblies to the curb.


I post a photo of the Chilean norm called REDEVU, in the page that shows this relation.


Thank you in Advance


Manuel Escobar

Solutiva Consultores






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