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Message 1 of 9
568 Views, 8 Replies


I'm Trying to take and modify the Room Tags that came with ADT to better suit our needs. I want to modify the entity the tag applies to, and the box that the room number appears in, and have been unable to do so. Does anyone have any suggestions on what needs to happen to get this to work?
Message 2 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous

I am try this also...
"I want to modify the entity the tag applies to..." ? The room tags apply to the AEC_SPACE object don't they? You
want to modify the space entity?

How do you want to modify the box? Bigger, different shape?

We want to add an alpha character to it... it is my understanding that if you do then you have to give up the auto incrementing feature of the Data Format Style.

I think we need a BRAIN DUMP on this area of ADT?

Why not...?

FJB2000 wrote:

> I'm Trying to take and modify the Room Tags that came with ADT to better suit our needs. I want to modify the entity the tag applies to, and the box that the room number appears in, and have been unable to do so. Does anyone have any suggestions on what needs to happen to get this to work?
Message 3 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous

Mike, Thanks for responding. Basic changes to the Room Tag I'd like to see are as follows:
Change Box which room number applies to to a different shape P-Line,
Format Room Title to Left justification,
Change the "Applies to" Function so that we do not need to apply to spaces.

In particular, the "Applies to" function which is currently set to Spaces, seems not to be the appropriate entity.

We are just implementing the ADT2 software in our office, and I really don't see how the "Spaces" entities would be used in the Working Drawing Phase of a project. Since this is the phase the Scheduling and Room nubering process occurs, and the "Spaces" entities are created in the Preliminary phase of a project (If at all), It seems that the entity to tag to should be more flexible than it is.

Since we are just implementing the software, I maybe missing something, so if you or anyone else can enlighten me on the best implementation of Room Scheduling and Tagging, It would be greatly appreciated.

Message 4 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous

On Fri, 26 May 2000 17:22:39 +0000, FJB2000

>Mike, Thanks for responding. Basic changes to the Room Tag I'd like to see are as follows:
>Change Box which room number applies to to a different shape P-Line,
>Format Room Title to Left justification,
This can be done by defining a new 2D display block for the Multi-View
block that defines the room tag.

You'll need to get up to speed on multi-view blocks, and then get up
to speed on the Create AEC Content Wizard. Use the existing room tag
drawing to reverse-engineer things if you like (just don't save on top
of it until you're sure you've got it right - I'd recommend creating a
NEW content file rather than replacing the original).

>Change the "Applies to" Function so that we do not need to apply to spaces.
This is done in the Property Set Definition and the Table Style

>In particular, the "Applies to" function which is currently set to Spaces, seems not to be the appropriate entity.
Well, it all depends on what you need. If you are using space objects,
it makes sense. It can pull area and other geometric properties
directly off the space object. If the space object is modified using
any ADT command, the schedule can be updated immediately.

If you don't want to use space objects, you can simply have your tag
be a block with attributes. Link the attributes to a property set
definition and create a schedule of the blocks.

Either way, you'll want to get up to speed on custom schedules and
properties first. Then you will want to explore the finer points of
tags that are linked to property sets.

>We are just implementing the ADT2 software in our office, and I really don't see how the "Spaces" entities would be used in the Working Drawing Phase of a project. Since this is the phase the Scheduling and Room nubering process occurs, and the "Spaces" entities are created in the Preliminary phase of a project (If at all), It seems that the entity to tag to should be more flexible than it is.
While it may be that the spaces were intended to be done as part of
the conceptual phase, I find them useful for creating "after the fact"
as well. For example, using a space object, I can get more control
over the ceiling grid, and use space interferences to create holes in
the grid easily. I simply use a PLINE traced around the rooms that
will make up the "space" and define it as a space object.

I can also use it to generate area calculations for reports, etc.

So the space object itself can become sort of a "pseudo" construction
documents tool. Or at least another means to generate more efficient

Please keep technical issues to the newsgroups

Matt Dillon
Member: Autodesk Discussion Forum Moderator Program

The D.C. CADD Company, Inc.
Message 5 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous

Matt: Thanks for your reply.

I tried to "Reverse Engineer" an existing Tag, but was unable to modify any of the settings. Then I tried to open the Tag's file, and do it, but again was unable to edit the block. Then I tried to explode the block, and edit the attributes, but I was unable to reinstate it as a block. In fact I did re-establish the block, but when I tried to bring it into the drawing I was working on, it had the same appearance as the original block. Very frustrating.

I also tried creating AEC Content from scratch, and creating an MV Block, but was unsucessful. When I brought it into the drawing, It crashed it.
Obviously I'm not doing something right.

The problem I think I'm having with creating the AEC Content, is that I'm unable to understand from the Help, and Users manual how to assign attributes to the blocks being created, and how to get it to display as text that represents the attributes .

Example Room Name, and Room Number.

I've got a handle on how to establish the Representation Sets, and Data Format Styles, but not how to get the Data to appear as Text which is related to the Data Base item.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Again

Message 6 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous


The below is a walkthrough that I generated to explain how to customize the
AEC content.
I hope you find it of some use. It is long so bear with it.


AEC Product Support Americas
WW Support & Services, Autodesk
Discussion Q&A:

1. It is easiest to produce new AEC Content from existing content.
2. A clear convention is needed when naming blocks and mvblocks. In this
instance I have chosen to use lower case for the block and UPPER for the
3. Property Set Definitions need to be named as one word.
4. The block does not need to contain entries for each field in the Property
Set definition.
5. The format for an attribute to read a property set definition field is
6. To apply property set definition data, we need to use a tag that attaches
to an entity in the drawing

Open the drawing \.\Schedules\Room & Finish Tags\Space Tag.dwg.
Save the drawing as \.\Schedules\Room & Finish Tags\Room Use Tag.dwg

Creating the Property Set Definition.
1. From Documentation, Schedule Data, Property Set Definitions, select New
and call it RoomUse.
2. Edit the RoomUse definition. On the Applies To tab, set it to Block
3. In the Definition tab, create all the required fields.
E.g. Name Description Auto Type
NAME Room Occupant No Text
WKSTN Workstation number No Text
TEL Telephone number No Text etc.
Complete this for all data to be associated with the tag. When done click
OK to return to the main Property Set Definitions dialog box.
4. Once the Property Set Definition is complete is needs to be exported to
the file PropertySetDefs.dwg Click Import/Export and then click Open and
browse to \..\Schedules\PropertySetDefs.dwg. Select RoomUse from Current
drawing and click Export. Click Ok, and yes to save changes.

Creating the Room Use Tag block.
1. Explode the Space Tag block
2. Ddedit the attribute NAME:OBJECTSTYLE to read RoomUse:NAME. Also change
the prompt and default setting.
3. Do likewise for the SPACE:NETFLOORAREA attribute, and produce the third
attribute from it.
4. The remaining entities, such as SPACE:LENGTH, can be deleted.
5. Note: Attributes for the non-visible entities will not be needed.
6. Create a block named "roomuse" selecting the required geometry and
attributes. Select the attributes in the order in which you would like them
7. From Design, Design Content, select Define Multi-View Block. Click
Purge. Select OK to purge Aec_Space_Tag
8. Back at the Define Multi-View Block dialog box, click new and name it
9. Click Edit. Descriptive information may be added if required. Click
View Blocks, select General, click Add and select the block "roomuse".
Check that only the required views are selected., e.g. Top.
10. Click Ok to confirm back out to the command prompt.
11. Purge the block Aec_Space_Tag_P from the drawing.
12. Save the drawing. Close it.
13. Open the drawing with the Read-Only button checked.

Creating the Room Use Tag as AEC Content.
1. From Design, Design Content select Create AEC Content.
2. Set content type to Custom Command.
3. Select "ROOMUSE" and click Add.
4. The command string should read as:
_AecAnnoScheduleTagAdd PropertySetDefs.dwg _Symbol ROOMUSE _Leader None
_Dimstyle Current
Select Next.
5. In the next screen, select the layer key, e.g. ROOMNO. For the scale,
select annotation scaling,. The "Content Creation - Scaling" section of
AutoCAD's online help has more information on this. Select Next.
6. For the filename, browse to the \Schedules\ Room & Finish Tags\ folder
and save Room Use Tag.dwg. Enter any description that you might wish to see
in Design Center. To set the correct icon for the tag, click Default Icon.
Click Finish.
Creating a Room Block
1. Create a new drawing from scratch.
2. Create a layer RU.
3. Set the color and linetype of the layer to suit your taste. Check the
plotter icon such that it appears with a no access icon, indicating that it
will not print. Set the layer current.
4. Draw a circle of radius ½", centered at 0,0. (This is a suggested value,
to be unobtrusive. A larger value may be desired for clarity on screen)
5. Create a block, called RU, of the circle. (RU for Room Use)
6. From Design, Design Content select Create AEC Content.
7. Set content type to Block. Select the block RU. Click Next twice.
(There is nothing to do on the second tab.)
8. Set the file name as .\Schedules\ Room & Finish Tags\RU.dwg. Click
9. Close the drawing.

Testing the content
1. Start a new drawing.
2. From Documentation, Schedule Tags, Room & Finish, the Design Center
dialog box opens.
3. Select the RU block and drag it into the drawing.
4. Select the Room Use Tag, and drag it into the drawing.
5. Pick the RU block that was just inserted.
6. Enter the data as required.
7. (Verify that the RU block component resides on the ZRU layer, by freezing

If everything is functioning correctly;

Creating the Room Use Tag Schedule Table.
1. Continue using the drawing from the previous section, add several Room
Use Tags.
2. From Document, Schedule Tables, Schedule Table Styles, choose New. Enter
the name Room Use.
3. Choose Edit. Within the General Tab, enter a description if desired.
4. On the Applies To tab, choose Clear All and select Multi-View Block
5. The Columns Tab allows you to setup and arrange the layout of the table
as desired.
6. The Sorting, Layout and Display Props tabs enable you to control the
finer points of the generation of the schedule table.

Content Creation - Scaling
Defines the scale factor applied to custom AEC content as it is inserted.
Only one of the options may be selected at any time. The default XYZ scale
is 1,1,1. The default Additional Scaling is None.
Three types of scaling are used to scale AEC content. The first type of
scaling, ADT Unit scaling, scales content based on the drawing units defined
by the Set Drawing Scale command. No setting for scale is required when the
drawing units of the content and target drawing match. This scaling can be
turned off through the Create AEC Content dialog box. To avoid duplicate
unit scaling, AEC content drawings should set AutoCAD DesignCenter Insert
Units to the value Unitless. This setting is governed by the new system
variable INSUNITS.
Note: Architectural Desktop unit scaling scales block and dictionary
definitions, not block references. AEC content requires this type of
scaling. It does not work with AutoCAD DesignCenter Insert Unit scaling,
which scales only block references.
The second type of scale is a content-specific XYZ scale factor defined with
each AEC content item. The default is 1,1,1 and is specified in the Create
AEC Content dialog box.
The third type of scale specifies whether the Drawing Scale or the
Annotation Scale of the target drawing should be uniformly applied to each
content item. These last two scales work together and are used to define the
scale of the content reference in the target drawing. (The content
definition is scaled by Architectural Desktop unit scaling when it is added
to the target drawing.)
Drawing scale is specified by the Set Drawing Scale command. A typical
imperial Drawing Scale is 1/8" = 1'-0", which results in a scale factor of
96. A typical metric drawing scale is 1:100, which results in a scale factor
of 100. Unit conversion must be defined and turned on for drawings using
Drawing Scale.
The annotation scale is used for content that must appear on a plotted sheet
whose size is set by Annotation Plot Size. Annotation Plot Size is also
specified by the Set Drawing Scale command. This scaling converts one unit
in the content drawing to Annotation Plot Size units on the plotted sheet.
This scale consists of Annotation Plot Size units times the Drawing Scale
factor. For example, content inserted in a drawing with Annotation Plot Size
of ¼" and Drawing Scale of 1/8" = 1'-0" is created at a height of 24" (¼" *
96 = 24"). Note that unit conversion must be turned off for drawings using
Annotation Scale.
Copyright © Autodesk, Inc.
Message 7 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous

Rob - Americas Product Support wrote:

Rob? Rob who? Starz???? ok .... first Chris then you ..????
Message 8 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous

fjb2000 -

How would you like something a little easier?

1.Open the documentation file under content "read only"

2.explode the block and modify changes

3.rewrite block

4. create aec content using a "custom command" and leave all of the defaults (I changed one default that had to do with the text style so that it would not default to the "content style") browse and place back in appropriate content folder (you can overwrite the original since you are read only)

Room tags are a little more dificult and as matt dillon said you will have to do a little reverse engineering. I made all of our blocks real world size so that in every single drawing we just set the annotation plot size scale to 1". The only thing that affects the size now is the drawing scale (the way it should be) so that it is multiplied by 48 for 1/4" 96 for 1/8" and etc. email me at and I will send you some examples of what I have done
Message 9 of 9
in reply to: Anonymous

Not me

Rob Starz
Plogv 3.0 & 2000 (plot logging) for r14 & 2000
ADT Curtainwall Suite
ADT Restroom Suite
**ADTcadPac available NOW**
StarDsign cad solution

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