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More admin control in Manage portal

More admin control in Manage portal

Currently with the Desktop App and subscriptions, there is no way to lock down what versions or products users have access to download or even locking them out of downloading all together.  Most of our users have laptops who travel so we have set them to admins on their machines to allow downloading of printer drivers etc.  But, with Autodesk products, even though we assign them the whole collection, there is no way to lock down what version they can install or even limit them from installing everything in the collection.  We don't want them installing more current than the entire group and risk migrated files or installing software they don't need and risk full hard drives.  More admin control in the Manage portal is desperately needed. 


Hello Christi,


Thank you for the feedback! We hear you and understand your frustration with this. Fortunately we have a new feature, product usage reporting, coming soon. This reporting feature will be available in Autodesk Account for admins who manage products with single-user access. It will give you visibility into your users' product versions to help equip you with the data you need to standardize versions across your whole team. You can stay up-to-date on the timeline for this on our admin community (


We'll send your feedback to the Desktop App team as well.


Thank you!

Emily Svensson

Status changed to: Under Review

This is a huge problem for our company too.  We have a very controlled upgrade process across the globe due to the amount of users we have.  Unfortunately users are now able to upgrade their own software and are even notified when a new version is available.  We use SCCM to run a monthly report and catch those who have upgraded but then we have the problem of files being saved in a newer format.  We're constantly chasing our tail because of this.

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Administrator Productivity

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