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topology and islands

Message 1 of 10
353 Views, 9 Replies

topology and islands

Hi all,

I am wondering if anyone has experience(or a technique) for making a map topology with "islands"? I want to build a topology of a Specific Plan that we are starting to work on and I have a couple of Open Space polygons that have a pedestrian walkway that "cuts" through.

I have built many topology's but this is a new one to me. I can do it in ARCVIEW, but Autocad Map has a problem with making the "ped" crossing it's own polygon.

I read on one of the posts that mpolygons are supposed to handle this, problem is you can't export to .shp files with mpoly's.

Also, is it better to create a topology with polylines or just lines? I didn't know that there would be a difference when you choose between the two.

Thx a lot,
Message 2 of 10
in reply to: Anonymous

Can you provide me a copy "small sample" of the dwg that you are working
with along with the ArcVeiw shape files of the same and I'll see what can be
done. Also what are you are your plans on using the topology after you
create it? There may be another way of getting the results you need
depending on what it is you want.



wrote in message
Hi all,

I am wondering if anyone has experience(or a technique) for making a map
topology with "islands"? I want to build a topology of a Specific Plan that
we are starting to work on and I have a couple of Open Space polygons that
have a pedestrian walkway that "cuts" through.

I have built many topology's but this is a new one to me. I can do it in
ARCVIEW, but Autocad Map has a problem with making the "ped" crossing it's
own polygon.

I read on one of the posts that mpolygons are supposed to handle this,
problem is you can't export to .shp files with mpoly's.

Also, is it better to create a topology with polylines or just lines? I
didn't know that there would be a difference when you choose between the

Thx a lot,
Message 3 of 10
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi - it sounds like I'm trying to accomplish the same thing...I thought I had it by defining a topology query to exclude any "null" valued polygons...Map gives you the option of writing the result to a new topology. However, when I tried to export the new topology to exported everything.

If you come up with an answer...could you let me know?

Thanks! Deb Murphy -
Message 4 of 10
in reply to: Anonymous

Thx Murph
You're always on the message boards!

I am trying to do our "usual" way of Specific Plans a little differently; cleaning up and making topologies is not standard around here. The only other guy that cleans maps around here is our "dirt and earthwork" guy and we need that done because one of our "pad makers" utilities needs a clean dwg in order to get volumes.

I DONT have a shape file for this puppy, basically we digitized this specific plan from a pdf from one of our"partners" and I will export to .shp later once we have "set" acreages and boundaries for the Land Uses. But you know how everything gets changed and moved around.

I think i read that making islands was fixed in 2006 map3d? Or maybe 2007?

Please don't rack your brains too much, because I dont absolutely NEED to do this. I'm doing this to see if it is possible, and if we may or may not do this in the future.

Thx again (do i owe you a beer or something for this one?)

Message 5 of 10
in reply to: Anonymous

woops. maybe i should have emailed it to you directly?
Message 6 of 10
in reply to: Anonymous

i think we may have to find some kind of workaround for this puppy.

i'll be posting any ideas/plans of what i come up with later.

Message 7 of 10
in reply to: Anonymous

No promises but I'll take a look and see. I'll pass on the beer maybe a
gallon of gas for the RV. 🙂


wrote in message
Thx Murph
You're always on the message boards!

I am trying to do our "usual" way of Specific Plans a little differently;
cleaning up and making topologies is not standard around here. The only
other guy that cleans maps around here is our "dirt and earthwork" guy and
we need that done because one of our "pad makers" utilities needs a clean
dwg in order to get volumes.

I DONT have a shape file for this puppy, basically we digitized this
specific plan from a pdf from one of our"partner
s" and I will export to .shp later once we have "set" acreages and
boundaries for the Land Uses. But you know how everything gets changed and
moved around.

I think i read that making islands was fixed in 2006 map3d? Or maybe 2007?

Please don't rack your brains too much, because I dont absolutely NEED to do
this. I'm doing this to see if it is possible, and if we may or may not do
this in the future.

Thx again (do i owe you a beer or something for this one?)

Message 8 of 10
in reply to: Anonymous

Maybe and some info on what is what? Other than the text everything is on
one layer. What is what or what islands are you wanting to include with what
polygons etc.

JmurphyATcemcDOTorg = for daytime mail.
wrote in message
woops. maybe i should have emailed it to you directly?
Message 9 of 10
in reply to: Anonymous

Maybe the pdf to give my an ideal of what things are too.

wrote in message
woops. maybe i should have emailed it to you directly?
Message 10 of 10
in reply to: Anonymous

here is a screen of what i'm trying to do. notice the walk way that goes right thru the open space area.

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