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How to import point cloud LAS file into Map 2019 ?? please help

Message 1 of 18
4515 Views, 17 Replies

How to import point cloud LAS file into Map 2019 ?? please help

Could someone explain to me how to create a new index and import a point cloud LAS file into Map 2019, please?

In previous versions, this was a simple task but doesn't seem to be anymore!

please help.

Message 2 of 18
in reply to: Anonymous

Hello, maybe some updates or hotfixes will help You

Message 3 of 18
in reply to: Anonymous



>> import a point cloud LAS

You need first Autodesk ReCap and convert your las-file(s) to RCP/RCS files, these can then be attached to your dwg.


- alfred -

ISH-Solutions GmbH / Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS ... ... LinkedIn ... CDay 2025

(not an Autodesk consultant)
Message 4 of 18
in reply to: Alfred.NESWADBA

Got it! thanks!

Message 5 of 18
in reply to: Anonymous

And how would I create contours once the recap file has been attached (or have I missed something here)?

Message 6 of 18
in reply to: Anonymous



>> And how would I create contours once the recap file has

>> been attached

Take care ... a pointcloud is not a triangulated surface, you can't create contours from points.

If you need contours you either need Civil 3D to create a surface from a pointcloud, or you need some type of DEM-file, which can be imported using command _MAPCONNECT, from that object you can create contours in Map3D.


- alfred -

ISH-Solutions GmbH / Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS ... ... LinkedIn ... CDay 2025

(not an Autodesk consultant)
Message 7 of 18
in reply to: Alfred.NESWADBA

LAS files are triangulated and can for sure have surface contours.. OP. Try creating a surface by right clicking the file in display manager. Then create surface. After the surface is indexed and generated, add it to the map and then right click the surface file and click create contour. Best of luck. That's how I do it. 

Message 8 of 18
in reply to: Anonymous



>> LAS files are triangulated

Really? I know LAS-files only as point information (with some additional/optional information on the points). As you can see >>>here<<< it's a point cloud data, not a triangulated or meshed data. To get a mesh from LAS files you need a different process and even then the triangulation is not stored inside the LAS-file(s).


But interesting though ...

>> Try creating a surface by right clicking the file in display

>> manager. Then create surface

Can you please show a screenshot of this location?

I don't know "Display Manager" in Map 3D? And how did you get the LAS-file into Map 3D (using Map 3D 2019)?


I also don't know this process (in Map 3D, with Map 3D functionality):

>> Then create surface. After the surface is indexed and generated, add

>> it to the map and then right click the surface file and click create contour.

The description sounds like you have a plugin in AutoCAD Map 3D, but not using Map 3D functionality.


- alfred -

ISH-Solutions GmbH / Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS ... ... LinkedIn ... CDay 2025

(not an Autodesk consultant)
Message 9 of 18
in reply to: Anonymous

I agree with @Alfred.NESWADBA 

The ability to triangulate a point cloud in AutoCad is not possible using the method you've described. 


I think you are confused. You cannot right-click on the point cloud in the Display Manager because a point cloud is not brought in using a DATA CONNECTION. The point cloud is brought in using the POINTCLOUDATTACH command which can be found by going to Insert Tab=>AutoCAD Point Cloud Panel=>ATTACH Icon.


The procedure you are describing sounds something like creating contours from a raster, such as a DEM which can either be brought in using a Data Connection or by creating one from scratch using MAPCREATESURFACE command (Create Tab=>3D Surface=>Create from Points icon).


Although the MAPCREATESURFACE does indeed use points, they are plain AutoCad points, not a 'point cloud' and this is where the confusion lies.


A typical Point Cloud is a las file which is indexed using Recap and saved as an rcp. The rcp is then attached to an existing dwg file using PointCloudAttach. You must take your las to Recap first because M3D/C3D does not support las extensions. It does, however, support rcp.


Other reasons to take your las to Recap include, but are not limited to, filtering (or clipping) points, decimation of the grid, establish coordinate system, and to set the units and unit precision.



Message 10 of 18
in reply to: ChicagoLooper

I'll whip up a video and give you youtube a link on my workflow. LAS files contain all the point cloud data. Each point has a gps coordinate and an elevation and there are millions. The las file is all you need. You dont even have to use Recap to convert it. I use the "MAPPOINTCLOUDMANAGER" command which brings up the point cloud manager. Then I click the add file button, and select my file. When the file loads into the window, i then change the coordinate system to the corresponding area and change the filter to ground, then I hit the "generate index" button. Once it's done indexing, i hit "add to map". The file then goes to the "TASK PANE" under the "DISPLAY MANGER" tab. You then right click on the file, and click "generate surface" the "SURFACE MANAGER" window then pops up, you highlight the file you want to generate a surface for and select "GENERATE SURFACE", when it's done click "ADD TO MAP". That file will pop up in the "TASK PANE" under the "DISPLAY MANGER" tab. You then right click that file and click "CREATE CONTOURS". Finally a window should pop up with the contour controls allowing you to adjust the contour intervals. Video link comming in a bit. 

Message 11 of 18
in reply to: ChicagoLooper

Please see link to a youtube video i made just to show you my work flow.

Message 12 of 18
in reply to: Anonymous

Congratulations, you have merely demonstrated how to create a RASTER using a .las file.


Sorry, but that green blob in modelspace is NOT a point cloud, it's a raster which was wonderfully created from your las file. Don't let AutoCad fool you, your point cloud was never brought into modelspace.


Once that raster was displayed in the Map Task Pane you right-clicked and created contours. A point cloud isn't displayed on the Map Task Pane and a point cloud shouldn't look solid green, it should look like points.


1-point cloud.PNG



Message 13 of 18
in reply to: ChicagoLooper

Ok so obviously you don't understand. You even said it yourself... I used
the .LAS file to generate a surface, and used the surface to generate a
contour. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what was asked by the OP. And only
proves my point. You can create contours using LAS files. How did I
generate that surface to make the contour....? By using a LAS file. I have
found hundreds of caves with this method so you can't tell me it's wrong
when I have accurate maps. P.S. the Point Cloud is there, it's just hidden
under the surface it generates. ##- Please type your reply above this line
Message 14 of 18
in reply to: Anonymous



>> I use the "MAPPOINTCLOUDMANAGER" command

>> Please see link to a youtube video

Sorry, what you showed does not work since AutoCAD Map 3D 2017.

The thread here (and that's I was asking for this) is about AutoCAD Map 3D 2019.


>> used the .LAS file to generate a surface

This shows that a LAS file does not contain triangulation (your statement in post 7), otherwise you would not need to create them.


- alfred -

ISH-Solutions GmbH / Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS ... ... LinkedIn ... CDay 2025

(not an Autodesk consultant)
Message 15 of 18
in reply to: Anonymous


@Anonymous wrote:
Ok so obviously you don't understand. 

No. You obviously don't understand that I understand. You cannot bring a .LAS file into Map3D. You can however, bring in an rcp that was created from a .LAS file using Recap. Although it appears you have successfully brought in a .LAS you have only used a .LAS to create a Geotiff and this Geotiff is what generated the contours. The idea that a .LAS is creating a surface is inaccurate, it didn't. See the screen shot below, it's from your video.


A screen grab from you video reveals your las file has bee converted into a GeoTiff or a raster.A screen grab from you video reveals your las file has bee converted into a GeoTiff or a raster.


The reason why you use Recap, is to index the .LAS file and turn it into an rcp, a type of file M3D can consume. The rcp itself is what you bring into M3D, not the .LAS. Yes, a Geotiff, the green blob in your video, can be used to generate contours, but that doesn't mean it's a surface, it's still a raster. No one in this thread is disputing whether a raster can, or cannot, create contours, that's understood and accepted, the issue is substituting the term raster with surface. Those terms are not interchangeable. 



I used the .LAS file to generate a surface, and used the surface to generate a

Aaahh....No.....If you replace the word surface with the word raster (or Geotiff) then you'll be fine. You used a .las file to generate a raster and used the raster to generate a contour. Yeah, that's it. Perfect. 


 I'm pretty sure that's exactly what was asked by the OP. And only
proves my point.

OK, that's tricky. You use pretty sure and exactly in the same sentence. One or the other, please, 'cause I dunno which way you're leaning. Are you kinda sure, or are you exactly sure? Eeehhh, you trying to trip me up? Nice one.


The OP asked: '.....explain to me how to create a new index and import a point cloud LAS file into Map 2019, please?'  The solutions provided in this thread directly address how to index and how to import a point cloud using, of course, Recap, an Autodesk program that's compatible with M3D. Creating a surface was not part of the OP and neither was was creating contours.



Message 16 of 18
in reply to: ChicagoLooper

That question was followed with. How do you create a contour from the LAS.?
I like how you feel the need to act like I'm some nitwit. I explained
myself pretty well. Even sent a video showing how I create contours from
las files. It's hilarious how you (in your own words) told me I'm right,
and wrong all in the same sentence. Which one is it? I'm confused. Lol
Anyway I dont appreciate the nasty attitude you have, and if this is how
the autodesk community acts then I just wont contribute anymore. I have
been using autocad map 3d since 2016 and found hundreds of caves,
sinkholes, etc.. Funny how the contour lines I make from the .LAS files
helped me all these years, but you feel the need to tell me it doesnt work.
Even though I showed you it does. You do know there is more than one way to
skin a cat right..? (What a terrible analogy)
Message 17 of 18
in reply to: Anonymous



The link to this video isn't working. I was hoping you would be willing to provide a new link.

I am very interested in seeing your workflow!


Thank you!



Message 18 of 18
in reply to: Superbob3D


That video by evanrobin is outdated.If you want to follow that procedure then you’ll need an old, very old version (2016-ish?).


Is your point cloud .las or .laz format? If it is, you’ll need AutoCad Recap so you can perform a Save As to either .rcp or .rcs, both formats can be read by Map3D. Try as you might, you can’t bring in point clouds directly, you need Recap. 

Don’t know if you’ve already found this video by Kyle Evans, titled Inserting LIDAR and Point Clouds into Civil 3D. Although the video’s purpose is to demonstrate how to create a TINN surface in C3D, he does cover the Recap part. To watch the video click >>HERE<<.


Do you know if your points are classified, i.e. ground, vegetation,trees, etc? If they are, Map 3D allows you to filter by class. 

To watch how to classify points (from Seiler Solutions) watch this >>VIDEO<<.




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