Exporting X and Y centre cooridinates of a circle, along side numbers... HELP
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Hey guys,
Hope all is well!
We are in need of a hero to help us with a hugely time consuming part of our Autocad Lt lives.
We plot Survey positions using 2m Circles which we then sequentially number and eventually need to copy over the X and Y Centre points from the circles so we can have these in an Excel Document. (Usually the .dwg is OSGB World Coordinated)
Some days we plot out over 1000 surveys which we then number, only using a text and sequentially auto number using Macro we found on here to help.
Once numbered, we need to log the exact X and Y centre point Coordinates in an Excel Spread sheet.
Currently, we are having to copy and paste each X and Y coordinate for each circle over to Excel by hand but I am certain there must be a better way for us to use Blocks, instead of a Circle, to then label sequentially, and then use ATTEXT to export this data into Excel.
I have found this post below that I think might be along the right lines of what we are looking for, however, I am no Autocad Lt genius and neither is my colleague so any help would be muchly appreciated. I am certain there is a way for this to be done in the full Autocad but unfortunately we do not have the luxury.
I have uploaded a very basic example of what we currently use. Obviously, it would usually be on a much larger scale and above a previous drawing from our client.
Thank you all for your time and fingers cross there is a way to make our lives so much easier.