Thank you ArchD for your comments and explanation of a situation that appears to only affect us. Like you, I use the insert snap often enough that I'd prefer to leave it checked in the running object snaps. I use it regularly to snap to the Insert of text and blocks. I might even suggest that I use Insert frequently enough, it would fall only behind Endpoint and Midpoint.
Blaine, I do thank you for the suggestion of unchecking Insert in our running Osnaps. I did acknowledge your suggestion in one of my previous post so it hasn't been dismissed. I often use Ctrl + right click to get to mid between two points so maybe, just maybe, I will try to train myself to do the same with Insert. Right now I'm undecided.
However, I along with ArchD and the rest of the community do not come to these forums to be questioned in a manner that could be misconstrued as criticism. We come to these forums in search of solutions to issues and problems as we encounter them in our daily jobs. As an Adjunct CAD Instructor, you of all people should know when it comes to AutoCad, there are at least 13 different ways to accomplish the same thing. All of us users have developed our own methods and workflows and they all vary greatly from one another. Often times, it's simply a matter of someone else accomplishing a task in a manner that another hasn't considered or wasn't aware the manner was possible. Congratulations I say to you for discovering what you perceive to be the perfect workflow, wonderful! But it is with narrow mind that you would consider that personal workflow to be superior to that of everyone else.
First and foremost, these forums are a resource for learning. They have proven to be an invaluable resource to me as I have learned a lot and discovered countless solutions. While there are always workarounds, 13 different ways to accomplish the same thing, Autodesk isn't aware of what users are experiencing unless it is brought to their attention. In other words, they wouldn't realize a change could be made that would benefit many unless someone took the time to explain their issue or problem on a forum such as this. Perhaps I should have submitted this topic as a wish list item rather than ask the community if anyone else has experienced the same thing?