Thanks again for assisting with this issue.
1. I have included your new line of code in my script and while it works when I cut and paste the whole script in the AutoCAD command line, it does not appear to work with ScriptPro. The script (when it works) deletes existing instances of a block in both model and paperspace of a drawing then inserts a new version of the block in model space only. The log file results show the new line has been accepted when using Scriptpro (see below)...
2. I also seem to be getting a reduced sized log file. It does not save all the commands throughout the complete script (script is also attached). Is there a command which can extend the log file?
[ AutoCAD - Tue Mar 10 15:16:53 2020 ]----------------------------------------
Command: (load (findfile "ssx.lsp"))
Type "ssx" at a Command: prompt or
(ssx) at any object selection prompt.
Enter new value for TILEMODE <1>: 0
Regenerating layout.
Regenerating model - caching viewports.
Command: (defun ACET-STR-FORMAT (str n) (strcat "\nFound: " (if n n "0")))
Command: ssx
Select object <None>:
Enter filter option [Block name/Color/Entity/Flag/LAyer/LType/Pick/Style/Thickness/Vector]: B
>>Enter block name to add <RETURN to remove>: "Superseded Datum"
Current filter: ((2 . "Superseded Datum"))
Enter filter option [Block name/Color/Entity/Flag/LAyer/LType/Pick/Style/Thickness/Vector]:
Found: 1
Command: ERASE
Select objects: P
1 found
1 was not in current space.
Select objects:
Command: ZOOM
Specify corner of window, enter a scale factor (nX or nXP), or
[All/Center/Dynamic/Extents/Previous/Scale/Window/Object] <real time>: EXTENTS
Enter new value for TILEMODE <0>: 1
Restoring cached viewports.
Regenerating 4 modified entities.
Command: (defun ACET-STR-FORMAT (str n) (strcat "\nFound: " (if n n "0")))
Command: ssx
Select object <None>:
Enter filter option [Block name/Color/Entity/Flag/LAyer/LType/Pick/Style/Thickness/Vector]: B