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Random freezes and crashes

Message 1 of 3
352 Views, 2 Replies

Random freezes and crashes

Hey there everyone,


I got a new computer at work last year. Since I got this computer AutoCAD keeps crashing or freezing randomly. 

Sometimes even the unsaved progressed won't be saved by the autosave feature and the made progress is gone.
I never had these issues before I run the same softwares as before the same Windows and so on. My collegues all got a computer with exactly the same specs. This issue is also only related to AutoCAD or AutoCAD Architecture (these bugs apply to both no matter wich one I use) for example Revit performs very well. There is also no special thing to reproduce this, execept for printing it doesn't happen always but mostly when I use the integrated PDF printer from Autodesk.


My specs:

  • Mainboard: MAG Z390 TOMAHAWK
  • 64GB DDR4 Dual Channel Memory
  • Intel Core i7 9700KF
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX2080 TI

What I've tryed so far:

  • Installed the latest updates for AutoCAD
  • Installed the latest Windows updates
  • Repair the AutoCAD installation
  • Reinstall AutoCAD
  • Reinstall various drivers e.g. graphics driver


May someone before experienced these issues and can let me know how to fix this.

Thanks in advance




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Message 2 of 3
in reply to: kleidom01

How often are these crashes?
Did you detect a pattern yet? Say end of a long day, or first thing in the morning?

Turn off hardware acceleration and see if your randomness stops for the day.
Message 3 of 3
in reply to: pendean

I didn't figure out pattern yet. e.g. Yesterday I was working for hours on a model in Revit and opened AutoCAD it just worked fine (worked about 1 hour on this drawing). Then this morning I wanted to finish the AutoCAD drawing (computer was shutdown over night) I opened it zoomed a bit out and it crashed Computer was up for like 10 minutes or something like this. But it happens also during the day I'ts a bit like when AutoCAD is the mood it works. So no didn't figured out a pattern. Is there somewhere an extended logging feature for crashes. May I could share some crash reports then. But what I can say all the drawings I worked on had some unresolved references (didn't need them either) may thats causing a problem (but it never was on my old machine).


//EDIT: Turned off hardware acceleration now.

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