Multicore processors (MORE 2 cores)


Multicore processors (MORE 2 cores)

Not applicable

Hi, I'd like to know if you're going to optimize AutoCAD with multicore processors to use all available resources because AutoCAD is a poor performer when it comes to using the computing power provided by modern processors (example: Double Intel Xeon Quad core = 16 logical processors) while most cheaper pro software do better.

Thank you


Accepted solutions (1)
33 Replies
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@dan908 @Shrestl 

Just to confirm. GSTHREADING set to 0 is activated and set to 1 is disabled.

Allen Jessup
CAD Manager - Designer
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No sorry, 1 is active and 0 is inactive. I had gotten it backwards.
GSThreading is 3d specific though so it will mainly be used for ASM objects.


AutoCAD Quality Assurance Manager


Thanks. It was just pointed out to me that you'd already answered that. I'll set it to 1 and see what happens.

Allen Jessup
CAD Manager - Designer
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Not applicable

Where do we stand on this topic now that we are coming up on 2022 just around the corner?  Can someone offer any clarity on this subject? Thank you




On AutoCAD 2022, the GSTHREADING Setting is on by default. This helps a lot with multi-threaded processes/ performance. But there is a new setting now in 2022 to help - try setting 3dtechpreview to on and visualstyle to shaded. The 2022.1.1 update has the most recent "preview" version of this. It really helps manage large number of objects and 3d. 


AutoCAD Quality Assurance Manager


One thing I'd like to point out is: Although there's a lot to AutoCAD. At it's heart it's a CoGo program, Coordinate Geometry. CoGo calculations aren't sped up multiple threads. They are linear in nature, A plus B yields C. You always have to wait for the result before going on to the next step.

Autodesk isn't ignoring the issue. They're looking to use multi-threading anywhere it can speed up the process.

Allen Jessup
CAD Manager - Designer
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doubting you still work for AutoDesk but if you do, can you answer why we still see similar behaviors?


My computer is 6 months old and it's obvious CAD does NOT take advantage or multi cores/threads and it utterly baffles me



but is it?  it's Jan 2025 and not much has changed


I have AutoCAD 2024 and a computer with performance that exceeds Autodesk's recommendations, yet this program is not optimized at all to utilize the full potential of the system resources. On top of that, I pay a significant amount for the license. I work in a country from Europe, and thinking it might be poorly configured for Europe, I called Autodesk in the U.S. A representative accessed my computer remotely, saw the specifications of the machines we’re working with, and was amazed by the performance we have. Even so, AutoCAD runs extremely slowly.

He tried tweaking some files and attempted a few fixes, but in the end, he shrugged and admitted he had no idea what the issue was. He left us hanging, saying there was nothing more he could do.

So, in conclusion: this is the best optimization Autodesk can offer for this software. You could have the best computer out there, but if you’re working on a complex project, you’ll have enough time to fly to Italy, take a coffee and come back, and the program will still be unfreezed.


Advisor wrote:

So, in conclusion: this is the best optimization Autodesk can offer for this software. You could have the best computer out there, but if you’re working on a complex project, you’ll have enough time to fly to Italy, take a coffee and come back, and the program will still be unfreezed.

That conclusion is inaccurate. Not everyone suffers from this. Autodesk cannot fix local issues. If everyone had the same symptoms, you could be correct. If Autodesk couldn't help you, you should be looking for a solution outside of the program so that you can enjoy the good performance that most have.


Community Legend
Community Legend wrote:

..., I pay a significant amount for the license...

Umm, so do all of us: perhaps your fix is simpler than you think. You can always try other CAD software too, there is no one solution for every one of us.


Let's cover the basics since you did not at all, most of us face no such issues as you've only hinted at:


Have you installed the 2024.1.6 Update yet? ABOUT command in your AutoCAD will confirm what you have installed. If not, get it from your Autodesk Account Page here
Restart your PC afterwards please.

If that did not help... Set GFXDX12 variable to 0 (that's a zero): a restart of your AutoCAD2024 is required for it to take effect.

Also consider turning off LINESMOOTHING and LINEFADING variables: if still no relief then start GRAPHICSCONFIG command and change the 2D Display Settings pulldown from "advanced mode" to one of the other choices.

Are you on a laptop? Does the performance improve if your laptop is actually plugged into the power source?


Where do you store your DWG files?

How are you connected to that files location?
Are you using VPN by chance?


Have you reset 2024 back to basics yet to remove any migrated content and 3rd party add-ons yet?


Which of these other tips have you tried yourself so far? Most of us never have to go there but you might need to do so 





I can see a direct question in this comment from And, I can help. It does not sound like the product support representative asked you to create a performance report and if there is not a performance report, how could we tell you what the cause is? The rep should have asked.


So, quick and easy - Get everything started and ready. Before you freeze it, type PMSTART. Performance monitoring will get your consent to record and get set up. Then it will start recording. Do what you typically do to show the performance problem. When done, type PMSTOP and it will ask some questions so you can send in the file.


If you are truly flying to Italy for coffee during this time, the file will be too large to send. So, instead, start a second instance of AutoCAD and PMSTART/ PMSTOP on that instance while performing the freeze on the other machine and have about 30 seconds or so of recording in between. The more recording the better, but at some point the file gets too big to deal with.


Let me know here when you have completed that and I will email the guy who reviews the reports and let you know what the problem is.


If you have already done this and the result back was that multi-threading would help, ok. But, otherwise, let's see what the problem is.


AutoCAD Quality Assurance Manager


Are we talking about why AutoCAD doesn't use more than 2 cores OR my crashing issues?


I see that you've added CER update which might be why the crashes don't even give me the window anymore. There has not been a report to reference.  CAD just crashes without any windows or anything but It is most definitely THE ONLY program that does this.


I upgraded to 2025. All suggestions to make 2024 work were not working.  So far (2 days), I have not had a single crash.


If I could duplicate, on demand, the problem I would just not do that thing - if you wanted me to to record, I'd be recoding all day, but the program would crash and I'd never be able to enter the stop command and I suspect all would be lost so I don't know how this would've helped.


If I end up with a crash on 2025, I will try these steps.





Sorry, jwilliamsZRQUC, I should have indicated I meant the other response. But, I added the name now.


For the crashing it is more tricky. I really need product support to work directly with you on the machine.


Sometimes the PMSTART can catch it, but not typically. It is a tool that is following your process monitor. Typically, all I can do is guess at common causes for vaporizing- video card crashing. And usually if we find a vaporizing crash we do get it fixed quickly so hopefully 2025 is the solution. It is just more difficult because vaporize usually means our tool was not involved (like Windows or Video Drivers).


But, see how 2025 is working and reach back out if it continues to do it. I just think product support has more tools available to help in this case.


AutoCAD Quality Assurance Manager