Low software efficiency


Low software efficiency

Not applicable

 Hello! I need a help with software optimization. I work for Nestlé. I have a very powerful PC(see attachment) and AutoCAD 2017. The program does not work efficiently. Constantly freeze and slowly draws a 3d image. I have a powerful video card Nvidia Quatro M4000. I tried  to switch on hardware acceleration but nothing works.


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17 Replies
Replies (17)




>> I have a powerful video card Nvidia Quatro M4000

Please start command _ABOUT and show us a screenshot from that dialog.


>> freeze and slowly draws a 3d image

Does that happen only for some specific drawings, maybe they access XRef's on a network or so?

Can you create a new drawing, and do some steps (we can reproduce) which makes your system freezing?

While AutoCAD is freezing and you look to the task-manager ... does AutoCAD utilize a full kernel or is it running close to 0%?


- alfred -

ISH-Solutions GmbH / Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS
www.ish-solutions.at ... blog.ish-solutions.at ... LinkedIn ... CDay 2025

(not an Autodesk consultant)

Accepted solution



Go to Options> System> Check for updates.

graphic update.JPG


Vinay Vijayakumaran


Not applicable

Hello, Alfred! This is due to the files created in the previous version of the autocad. AutoCAD take about 20% of RAM. The AutoCAD  freeze in all files and even goes to a fatal error. It's unacceptable for so powerful machine.


Not applicable

Hello Vinay! Thanks for answer. Unfortunately I haven't find this option. In attachment supposed  (in my mind) location of this option







>> This is due to the files created in the previous version of the autocad

Then please open the DWG's (including the XRef's if there are any) and save them to the current DWG-format. Saving drawings back has two main issues, one is that saving and opening needs more time and sometimes there are defects as a result.

You might also run command _RECOVERALL to get that drawing checked (including XRef's).


>> AutoCAD take about 20% of RAM

That is nothing I would worry about, depending on the filesize that can be ok.


What looks interesting in your screenshot: while AutoCAD is using 9% of processor power, but the system uses 19% ... which software is needing the other 10%?

Maybe there is some antivirus checking on BAK- or SV$- or DWG-files? That could be time-consuming (and does not make sense, at least)



- alfred -

ISH-Solutions GmbH / Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS
www.ish-solutions.at ... blog.ish-solutions.at ... LinkedIn ... CDay 2025

(not an Autodesk consultant)

Not applicable

I'm not use XRef objects or any linked files. And also have not problems with saving/opening. All drawings open correctly. May be I need  some special video drivers for AutoCAD?


"What looks interesting in your screenshot: while AutoCAD is using 9% of processor power, but the system uses 19% ... which software is needing the other 10%?"

Some other special software use 8%


Maybe there is some antivirus checking on BAK- or SV$- or DWG-files? That could be time-consuming (and does not make sense, at least)


Previous AutoCAD (2012) had no problems with antivirus or any other software.


Any case thanks for your help, Alfred!





Hi Roman,


Try setting WHIPTHREAD Variable to <3>.


Some other tips to work more efficient using Autocad




Vinay Vijayakumaran

Community Legend
Community Legend
>>>...Constantly freeze and slowly draws a 3d image...<<<
What size are these DWG files?
What size are ach of the XREFs in the file?
Is your video card driver from here http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/syscert?id=18844534&siteID=123112

Are you the only one in the office with this problem?
Do others have this problem in your file(s) only?
Is R2017 fully patched and updated?

Not applicable

Unfortunately "WHIPTHREAD" command is not accessible in AutoCAD 2017. But I try to use other your advices. Thanks a lot, Vinay!


Not applicable

Hello, Dean!

What size are these DWG files? - about 70 Mb

What size are ach of the XREFs in the file? - i'm not use Xref  (and honestly I don't know how can it help me - I'm work alone with this file).

Is your video card driver from here  - i'm not sure but I check it - thanks a lot.

Are you the only one in the office with this problem? - I'm only one who create and edit AutoCAD files. Other people  can just review my files

Is R2017 fully patched and updated?  - I have a most recent software (as said by our IT guys), so I consider yes. (in attachment screenshot with software version)





>> Previous AutoCAD (2012) had no problems with antivirus or any other software.

That does not necessarily mean it's  not a problem for AutoCAD 2017 and how this version is interacting with your storage space.

BTW: are your files stored locally or on network?

Is it possible, as you do have old drawings, that the DWG-files contain layouts pointing to plotters which do not exist any more?


>> What size are these DWG files? - about 70 Mb

Depending on the content of the file (type and number of objects used) that could be a limit for AutoCAD.

Can you upload one of that files?


>> Is R2017 fully patched and updated? 

No, it is not, otherwise that would be displayed in the _ABOUT dialog: AutoCAD 2017 Update 1.1


- alfred -

ISH-Solutions GmbH / Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS
www.ish-solutions.at ... blog.ish-solutions.at ... LinkedIn ... CDay 2025

(not an Autodesk consultant)


Hi @Anonymous,


70 MB is a pretty large file for modeling chocolate - sorry, bad joke.  Is it possible to attach a sample file to a post? i would also like you to prepare a NFO file for me so I can see more about your computer system.



Please select the Accept as Solution button if my post solves your issue or answers your question.

John Vellek

Join the Autodesk Customer Council - Interact with developers, provide feedback on current and future software releases, and beta test the latest software!

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Hi, John!

Fun joke - I liked it. Sorry but unfortunately I can't share this file - it's confidential information.


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Accepted solution

70MB is a rather large file and the Nvidia Quatro M4000 only has 8GB of VRAM out of the box, unless you've tweaked it.  We regularly run 3D models at 20-40MB but have had some exceed 1GB using that same card, and if we try to manipulate a 3D shaded view performance suffers.  Setting the view style to 2D wireframe massively improves performance.  If you just must orbit a shaded view, you should consider amping up your VRAM.


Some suggestions for handling large files

-Make sure views are 2D wireframe prior to manipulating the view. (investigate Navisworks and the NWNAVIGATOR.arx for shaded views)


-Save preset VIEWs to quickly navigate to specific locations without dragging a 3D view around in ORBIT.


-For some reason manipulating views in PS viewports is much less robust than doing so in MS, so manipulating viewpoints and saving VIEW's in MS provides better performance, VIEW's can then be restored in PS viewports.


-Use layer family sets to minimize what's being displayed at any given time, freezing unneeded layers will improve performance.


-Investigate the use of blocks for sub-assemblies to reduce file size. Rule of thumb, if the components are used more than twice, make them a block.


-Investigate XREF's to minimize file size, they aren't just for collaboration.  Large models can be broken up into smaller sections based on geographic locations or processes or disciplines or assemblies or any host of intelligent divisions making the entire model process faster. Large assemblies can be treated like blocks and OVERLAY'ed numerous times (locations and orientations (even different scales)) in the same model.  All models could then be appended to a Navisworks session and viewed together (published to an NWD for viewing with the FREE Navisworks Freedom).  XREF's also provide an enhanced level of flexibility when making drawings, allowing background assemblies or discipline specific models to be layer controlled separately in individual viewports.




Just some ideas .....



Not applicable

Hi, Randall! Big thank you for help. I think the reason is that I used blocks which consist of exploded elements and other blocks. Now I will try to clean up the blocks then use a purge utility.

If it help me I let you now.


Not applicable

Hope it helps.  

A couple of other points.

A lot of folks use "paste as block" and end up with numerous unique blocks with names like A$C3FB213CE.  That is, IMMHO, very bad practice.  First it bloats a file; the file has to remember the block definition PLUS it has to remember all those components.  I can't tell you the number of times I've opened a file created by someone else and found dozens of A$????? blocks used only once in the file.  Exploding them and purging cut the file size by 70% or more. If you're only using it once don't use a block, don't "paste as block" just "paste".


When working in 3D it is tempting to get detailed with models, that can also lead to file size bloat with very little benefit.  If you can't see it on the plot, or smack with an interference, there is little reason to model it.  I've seen guys model threads on screws that will be part of an assembly and never seen or shown, or internal threads on nuts when the final plots will be at 1/8" = 1'-0" scale.  That's just a waste of time to model, and bloats a file size unnecessarily.  If you'll never see that level of detail on a plot, or you don't need it for manufacturing, don't model it.


Remember ANYTHING that can be a block, can be an XREF.  A guy I know does window treatments for office buildings; vertical blinds, horizontal blinds, curtains, etc.  He uses XREFS for them, and by changing the path of the XREF to point to different files he can alter the look of the presentation in a matter of seconds.  For him its, faster and cleaner than trying to using visibility states in a dynamic block, and it reduces his final file size.


Hi @Anonymous,


I am checking back to see if my post or others helped you with your problem. Please add a post with how you decide to proceed and your results so other Community members may benefit.


Please hit the Accept as Solution button if a post or posts solves your issue or answers your question.

John Vellek

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