you know, one of those last ones (linesmooting, linefading) might have worked, i close and reopened cad and it displays correctly, but loike i said that if i reopen it again it usually goes back to "not displaying correctly" so i closed and opened thrice more and it is still displaying correctly as of now...please see below

dont know if it did it but i might have....
i guess ill keep checking and if it reverts back we will know....???
im inclined to say that it might have worked... i closed and r3e opened and again and opened other projects that with the same problem and theyre good now...hopefully it sticks..!
yeah man..! i think thats it yo! still looking good!
done opened and closed like ten times now and and all good...
cuz i did Turn off LINESMOOTHING and LINEFADING variables then REGENALL. and i remebr it didnt do nothing so i was sceptical about the gfxdx12....but once i closed and and kept reopening to test the now displays correctly everytime i do..