Image frames plot even though IMAGEFRAME is set to 0 or 2


Image frames plot even though IMAGEFRAME is set to 0 or 2

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On some drawings, my image frames plot even though IMAGEFRAME variable is set to 0 or 2. In order to get them to not plot, I need to set IMAGEFRAME to 1 and then back to 0 or 2. It then works correctly, but why does it not work the first time?

I think that at some point in the past I have reset the variable from 1 to 0 using the 'reset all' option on the System Variable Monitor, and I think the change to the variable didn't 'stick'.

Has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions beyond just checking on Plot Preview every time I run a plot?

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FRAME is just the overall variable for all frames, my problem is that image frames print even though IMAGEFRAME is already 0.

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Set the image layer to color 255 (it should be on its own layer anyway), that should do it.


FRAME changes all the other *FRAME system variables so if IMAGEFRAME is 0 then FRAME is changed to 1 the image frame will print. Is there a background plot routine running that changes FRAME to 1?

frame sys var.PNG


@Anonymous wrote:

FRAME is just the overall variable for all frames, my problem is that image frames print even though IMAGEFRAME is already 0.


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FRAME is 3 (which means that some of the frame variables have different settings to each other)

However, if I set the preferred value for FRAME to be 0 in the SYSVARMONITOR, and click 'reset all' on that dialog, it will state that FRAME variable is now 0 but it will still plot the frame.

In order for it to not plot the frame, I need to manually set the FRAME or IMAGEFRAME variable to 0 (or, if it has been reset to 0 in the system variable monitor, I need to change it to a different value and then back to 0) in order for it to not plot.

So it seems to be a glitch in the System Variable Monitor 'reset all' thing. I will see if I can reproduce this in an example file tomorrow and I'll upload for you to experiment with.


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I tried using SYSVARMONITOR to change FRAME to 0 and it appears to work but when you check it is always 3. I assume SYSVARMONITOR runs through the list so sets FRAME to 0 then IMAGEFRAME to 1, thereby resetting FRAME to 3. You need to set FRAME and IMAGEFRAME to 0 or 2 for it to work as expected.


@Anonymous wrote:

FRAME is 3 (which means that some of the frame variables have different settings to each other)

However, if I set the preferred value for FRAME to be 0 in the SYSVARMONITOR, and click 'reset all' on that dialog, it will state that FRAME variable is now 0 but it will still plot the frame.

In order for it to not plot the frame, I need to manually set the FRAME or IMAGEFRAME variable to 0 (or, if it has been reset to 0 in the system variable monitor, I need to change it to a different value and then back to 0) in order for it to not plot.

So it seems to be a glitch in the System Variable Monitor 'reset all' thing. I will see if I can reproduce this in an example file tomorrow and I'll upload for you to experiment with.

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So it seems that, if I open a new drawing from acadiso.dwt in a drawing session that I've done nothing in, IMAGEFRAME is set to 1. If I change that variable to 0 and open another new drawing, the variable *says* it is 0 but in fact the image frames still display and plot. Also, even if I change FRAME to 0 in the first drawing, it reverts to 3 when I open a new drawing. imageframe.JPG



The only way I've found to correct the behaviour is to manually change IMAGEFRAME to 1 and then back to 0 - changing FRAME from 3 to 0 doesn't do anything. Once I change IMAGEFRAME manually, it 'sticks' and the image frames don't plot.

You should be able to reproduce this on your own system since I'm using standard autocad templates but if you can't i can upload a drawing with the behaviour.

In my company template, IMAGEFRAME = 2 and that behaves properly (displays, doesn't plot) whether or not previous drawings have IMAGEFRAME set to 1. So it could just be a weird behaviour of the default templates.


I can duplicate the behavior in both ACAD 2018 and 2019 in the ACAD templates, but not my own no matter if IMAGEFRAME is set to 0, 1 or 2 initially in the template.


@Anonymous wrote: 

So it seems that, if I open a new drawing from acadiso.dwt in a drawing session that I've done nothing in, IMAGEFRAME is set to 1. If I change that variable to 0 and open another new drawing, the variable *says* it is 0 but in fact the image frames still display and plot. Also, even if I change FRAME to 0 in the first drawing, it reverts to 3 when I open a new drawing. imageframe.JPG

 The only way I've found to correct the behaviour is to manually change IMAGEFRAME to 1 and then back to 0 - changing FRAME from 3 to 0 doesn't do anything. Once I change IMAGEFRAME manually, it 'sticks' and the image frames don't plot.

You should be able to reproduce this on your own system since I'm using standard autocad templates but if you can't i can upload a drawing with the behaviour.

In my company template, IMAGEFRAME = 2 and that behaves properly (displays, doesn't plot) whether or not previous drawings have IMAGEFRAME set to 1. So it could just be a weird behaviour of the default templates.

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I think at this point I'll just keep an eye out for it when I'm plotting drawings and change IMAGEFRAME manually when it crops up - don't think we're going to get a magic fix for it. Most of my drawings will be started from our company template anyway so I just have to keep an eye out for it in drawings created by other people. Thanks for your help Nancy.


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I know this is an old thread but recently I notice the same issue using Autocad 2020.  Frames of TIF images are plotting even though IMAGFRAME is set to 2.  I can enter IMAGEFRAME at the command line and enter 2, but it still plots the frame.  The only way to fix it is to set the value to 0 or 1 and then back to 2 again.  It's as if Autocad is reporting the value as 2 but it is actually 1.   It is apparently random.  I don't know what conditions produce the problem.


I often print with sheet sets printing  12 or 15 sheets at a time, so I can't do a plot preview.  All the drawings appear to have IMAGEFRAME set as 2, but some of the plots will show frames and others will not.  The only way to be sure is to open each drawing beforehand, set IMAGEFRAME to 0 and back to 2 and save before plotting.  Defeats the purpose of using sheet sets.  I'm better off plotting one at a time so I can preview first.


This occurs on two different PC's, one Dell and one MSI laptop.  Both on Windows 10.


Another option is to put images on a layer with color Background.

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Please clarify that.  Do you mean on a layer with a color other than white?


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I figured out what color BACKGROUND meant.  Tried it but doesn't work.  The image disappears from the screen but still plots with the frame.


Yes, if you choose either color 255 or from the layer manager, 3rd tab, you
can choose, Drafting Tooltip color.

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In the end I wrote myself a little script to paste into the command line when I opened the affected drawings:


imageframe 1
imageframe 0


For some reason it was only one project that was affected and I haven't noticed it since - but I'm still on Autocad 2019 so I'll keep an eye out for it in future


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@Anonymous I have one of those, too!


@Anonymous wrote:

In the end I wrote myself a little script to paste into the command line when I opened the affected drawings:


imageframe 1
imageframe 0


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Actually thinking on it, I wonder if it's possible to just make that script run every time autocad opens a drawing, and whether that would also work for publishing via sheet sets - after all, Autocad opens each drawing (in the background) as it publishes.


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Good idea about a script, but I don't know how that would work when publishing a sheet set.  Maybe a pre-publish script that opens each drawing, changes frame to 1 and back  to 2, then saves and closes.  Run the script first, then publish.  I like your idea better--set the value when the file is first opened.  I need to go through all my templates once again to make sure FRAME is set properly.

I appreciate your response.



Was having the same problem in 2021. Occasionally had to switch from 0 to 1 back to 0. Upgraded to 2022 and was having the same issue but switching from 1 to 0 still didn't help. Found this on accident, but if you click on the image and have the properties window open, under Misc, there is a Background Transparency toggle and mine was set to "No." When I changed it to "Yes" the frame went away! 


Problem solved.. for me anyway.

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