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HP Zbook Studio G5 - Nvidia Quadro P1000 not performing?

Message 1 of 14
2564 Views, 13 Replies

HP Zbook Studio G5 - Nvidia Quadro P1000 not performing?

Have been working on more 3d Models recently and I've been bitching about the default laptops performance so the company has just upgraded me to a ZBook Studio G5 Workstation.


The laptop appeared to be having issues dealing with the internal graphics not keeping up.

The ZBook seems to be, having exactly the same issues.


On anything other than wireframe, zooming/ panning, rotating is very clunky, laggy and slow (eg, scroll twice and it can take up to 10 seconds to finish zoom ). Often it will omit sections of the graphical content like it's having trouble processing it (see attachment graphics1). In wireframe its pretty much as quick as you would expect.


It feels like it's still using the onboard graphics/ cpu rather than the graphics card. Keeping an eye on the resource monitor, the card looks like it's doing something, just nothing useful. Generally the fans kick in and the CPU starts to move around more than either GPU does. (see attached graphics2).

Disabled the P1000 in device manager and there was no noticeable difference in performance.


I've tried:

updating to latest driver (430.64)

downgrading to AutoCAD recommended driver (411.95)

GRAPHICSCONFIG hardware acceleration on and off

moving model off network drive onto local

WBLOCK the model on local to simplify

Messing with Nvidia control panel settings (not much there...)

Disabling onboard graphics in Device Manager

Disabling P1000 in Device Manager

Colourful Language


I'm running out of options.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





Update: A tuner Log baloon notification popped up in AutoCAD at one point saying that Hardware Acceleration was Disabled.

I clicked on it it opened up in notepad and dumped this info, Looks like a lot of stuff is unsupported?

- Hardware Recommended: False?

- Failed Devices D3D11?




Card name: NVIDIA Quadro P1000
Driver version:
Tuning Date:
Virtual device: gdi15.hdi (Software)
The card and driver meets the recommended requirement.

Display Adapters:
Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
NVIDIA Quadro P1000(Primary)

Feature Mode 0
Feature Mode Available 10
Config Level 0
Hardware Available True
Hardware Recommended False
Status 0
Hardware ID 0
Hardware Feature Level 31
Software Feature Level 50
Failed Devices D3D11

General Options:
Adaptive Degradation True
Discard Backfaces True
Dynamic Tessellation True
Generate Vertex Normals False
Handedness Right
Maximum LODs 6
Redraw on Window Expose True
Surface Tessellation Tolerance 92
Transparency MediumQuality

Additional System Information:
Manufacturer HP
Model HP ZBook Studio G5
NumberOfProcessors 1
TotalPhysicalMemory xxx-xxxxxxxx

MaxClockSpeed 2592
Name Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz
NumberOfCores 6
NumberOfLogicalProcessors 12

Name Microsoft Windows 10 Pro|C:\WINDOWS|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition3
OSLanguage 1033
ServicePackMajorVersion 0
ServicePackMinorVersion 0
TotalVirtualMemorySize 19598616
Version 10.0.17134

Size 512105932800

MonitorManufacturer (Standard monitor types)
MonitorType Generic PnP Monitor
Name Generic PnP Monitor

MonitorManufacturer (Standard monitor types)
MonitorType Generic PnP Monitor
Name Generic PnP Monitor
ScreenHeight 1080
ScreenWidth 1920

DeviceName NVIDIA Quadro P1000
DisplayFrequency 60
PelsHeight 768
PelsWidth 1024

AdapterDACType Integrated RAMDAC
AdapterRAM 4293918720
ConfigManagerErrorCode 0
CurrentHorizontalResolution 1920
CurrentVerticalResolution 1080
DriverDate 20181108000000.000000-000
InstalledDisplayDrivers C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvblwi.inf_amd64_510c861b91113c37\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvblwi.inf_amd64_510c861b91113c37\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvblwi.inf_amd64_510c861b91113c37\nvldumdx.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvblwi.inf_amd64_510c861b91113c37\nvldumdx.dll
Name NVIDIA Quadro P1000
Status OK
VideoArchitecture 5
VideoModeDescription 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors

AdapterDACType Internal
AdapterRAM 1073741824
ConfigManagerErrorCode 0
CurrentHorizontalResolution 1920
CurrentVerticalResolution 1080
DriverDate 20180327000000.000000-000
InstalledDisplayDrivers C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\igdlh64.inf_amd64_65e812e45a6ecbef\igdumdim64.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\igdlh64.inf_amd64_65e812e45a6ecbef\igd10iumd64.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\igdlh64.inf_amd64_65e812e45a6ecbef\igd10iumd64.dll,C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\igdlh64.inf_amd64_65e812e45a6ecbef\igd12umd64.dll
Name Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
Status OK
VideoArchitecture 5
VideoModeDescription 1920 x 1080 x 4294967296 colors

Process Information:
Loaded ARX and CRX Modules

ACAD_LineSmoothing supported turned on
ACAD_PerPixelLighting not supported turned off
ACAD_AdvancedMaterial not supported turned off
ACAD_FullShadows not supported turned off
ACAD_TextureCompression not supported turned off
ACAD_HQGeom not supported turned off
ACAD_GlowHighlighting supported turned on
ACAD_Dx11 not supported turned off
ACAD_2DRetainModeLevel 0 0
ACAD_WhipArc supported turned off
ACAD_LineFading not supported turned off
ACAD_2DRetainMode not supported turned off
ACAD_GPULineType not supported turned off
ACAD_GPUHatch not supported turned off
ACAD_GLCoreProfile not supported turned off



Message 2 of 14

Is that AutoCAD or Plant3D?

Message 3 of 14

Vanilla Autocad 2020.


We use Tube not Pipe sizes so I don't have librarys for Plant3D at the moment.

Message 4 of 14

How big is the file (mb)? Can you upload it here?

Message 5 of 14


Model attached. (25Mb)


Still slow as balls.


Today the tuner log says that a bunch of stuff that wasn't supported before is now supported.

Sadly, this made no demonstrable difference in preformance.



Card name: NVIDIA Quadro P1000
Driver version:
Tuning Date:
Virtual device: Dx11 (Hardware)
The card and driver meets the recommended requirement.

Display Adapters:
Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
NVIDIA Quadro P1000(Primary)

Feature Mode 3
Feature Mode Available 120
Config Level 3
Hardware Available True
Hardware Recommended True
Status 0
Hardware ID 2
Hardware Feature Level 50
Software Feature Level 50
Failed Devices D3D11

General Options:
Adaptive Degradation True
Discard Backfaces True
Dynamic Tessellation True
Generate Vertex Normals False
Handedness Right
Maximum LODs 6
Redraw on Window Expose True
Surface Tessellation Tolerance 92
Transparency MediumQuality


ACAD_2DRetainModeLevel 5 4
ACAD_PerPixelLighting supported turned on
ACAD_AdvancedMaterial supported turned on
ACAD_FullShadows supported turned on
ACAD_TextureCompression not supported turned off
ACAD_WhipArc supported turned on
ACAD_LineSmoothing supported turned on
ACAD_LineFading supported turned on
ACAD_GlowHighlighting supported turned on
ACAD_2DRetainMode supported turned on
ACAD_GPULineType supported turned on
ACAD_GPUHatch supported turned on
ACAD_GLCoreProfile not supported turned off


Message 6 of 14

I can't see anything fundamentally wrong with it. My machine did slow down when I went into your Layout Tabs, all those viewports were rendered to Conceptual and everything just slowed down. Getting rid of those didn't do anything with the performance of the model in Modelspace. AutoCAD doesn't take advantage of multi-core systems so I don't think your system is the bottleneck. The card shouldn't be a problem either, its got 4gb of RAM on it, and its only 25mb so quite small for a file size.


I'm splitting your model up into Piping and Equipment to see if that helps anything.

Message 7 of 14

That Tank with the internal mixer's could be edited to remove the internal elements, unless you really need to see them.


And for future, I'd seriously consider using Plant3D if you're going to continue working with piping. If you're Aust/NZ based I can help with setting up projects and Catalogs/Specs.

Message 8 of 14

So, what do we think then? 

What are the specs on your rig?

Mine slows down a bunch even manipulating/ zooming the model in the model tab. Even when the tank layer is hidden and off. Speeds up a bit if I also kill the manifold layer but still laggy and notchy. Moves around OK if I'm zoomed right in but when there's a bunch of things on screen it slows down to a crawl, which is why I was thinking graphics card issue.


Surely with the specs on this workstation it should be able to handle that much information?

Is it that rendering that many surfaces in a model is at the limit of what autocad can do? I come from a SolidWorks background, I didn't think the model was that intense.


Ginds like hell on the 000/001/002 tabs. The majority of the viewports on the layouts should be in "hidden", just the basic outlines, so shouldn't require especially heavy rendering?


Guess I'll try downloading and installing Plant3D again and see if it runs better there.

Message 9 of 14

I have a HP Z800 with 12core Xeons, 64gb of RAM and an RX580 card. It'll rotate, but its not the best, and once I switched to wireframe it was fine, BUT, at Conceptual, it slows down. I played with it for a bit on the Realistic setting, and that worked better than Conceptual.


As for Plant3D, its not going to be any better with *your* model, as its sitting on AutoCAD, the performance is going to be the same, you'd need to redo it all with Plant3D Cats and Specs and Equipment can be converted, but it still won't like the internals of the tank there. Take them out if you can.


There are some tube specs available for free online, but I don't know if they'd be to the standard you're after. If you click on my link below for my YouTube channel you'll see how to get started with Plant3D and other products.

Message 10 of 14

Thank you for your help and your patience Tomislav.


So the long and the short of it is to just not 3D model in AutoCAD, unless its in wire-frame, because it doesn't handle even basic, flat, 3D rendering of models, even with certified hardware acceleration?


Because of how tight all the plant needs to be in that area, and the specific constraints and requirements of the processes I was not comfortable with modelling this in 2D. Also, to give the fabricators the most information possible, I downloaded the AlfaLaval 3D valves and got the 3D of the tank from the supplier. Displaying this in wire-frame turns it into a complete unintelligible mess.

Guess I'll have to go back to modeling things like this in SolidWorks and converting it back out into AutoCAD.

Message 11 of 14

It'll handle 3D, but to me it seems to be a super detailed model, that yes, you could do in Solidworks or Inventor, and it'll probably handle the geometry better.


If you get time, look at Plant3D, that's what its designed for. It does the elements as proxy objects, so they're more lightweight. Check out some of the video's with Plant3D in my YouTube channel below.

Message 12 of 14

Unlike SolidWorks or Inventor, AutoCAD isn't really built for real-time shaded navigation; the shaded views are great for static viewports but when working you *really* want to be in wireframe for maximum performance.  I've done much more complicated models with only modestly more capable hardware (4 core 3-point-something GHz Xeon, Quadro P4000, 32 GB RAM) and it flies in wireframe.


Procedurally, working with a combination of XREFs and frozen layers helps a lot, as does using Navisworks for the real-time navigation work.  Typically AutoCAD DWGs start getting slow when you're up around the 20+ MB filesize.  Then again, that model looks suspiciously small for your stated size.

If you are going to fly by the seat of your pants, expect friction burns.
"I don't know" is the beginning of knowledge, not the end.

Message 13 of 14

@dgorsman if you have a look at the model, its the mixing tank, its around 20mb itself, quite detailed, and probably too much detail for a Plant model IMO.


Once that gets taken out, it drops down by 20mb on my testing, but I agree, working with XREF's would be best for performance, or Plant3D, or Solidworks/Inventor.

Message 14 of 14

Thanks for that,


I still need the viewports to be rendered (or at the least have the hidden lines "hidden") or the information becomes so unrecognizable its irrelevant.


Even with the Tank layer suppressed/ hidden the model doesn't seem to handle graphically. If I kill the valve layer too it works "better" but still not great.


In the Layouts (static viewports) I've tried layering up and breaking the model into bits but the valve assembly seems to have too much information for AutoCAD to process. However, zooming in and out or panning on the layout (in paperspace) still grinds and lags like crazy, like it has to think real real hard about rendering each viewport individually while doing that process.


Because this is a brownfield installation, so much of the hardware is nested so close to each other that there was a fairly lengthy design and concepting stage to package the equipment.

Trying to do that by dropping in and out of xrefs, with the limited editing tools within refedit, would drive me to aggressive daytime drinking.

I guess I can xref the sections now that it's up to the drawing output part of the game but it seems like a PITA step just because the software cant handle flat rendering/ hiding hidden lines.

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