You can't change the "display" from one unit set to another without customization. You can alter the returned DIMENSIONS by altering the DIMLFAC in the dimstyle.
For area you need some customization that reads the area in mm and converts to meters.
You can cut this one up to match your needs, there's two commands
LISTAREAM will popup an alert box with the area in mm and in meters
TAGAREAM will ask you for a text location and will place the areas as a note.
Feel free to rename them as you like.
;;; TagAreaM.LSP
;;; Copyright (C) 1996, 1998, 2000, 2003 "Falcon Design Services"
;;; Permission to reuse, share, post, copy, borrow, steal,
;;; or generally do with it whatever you wish is hereby granted.
;;; Like that would make a lot of difference anyway.
(defun CalcAREA ()
(setq a 0
(-4 . "<OR")
(0 . "CIRCLE")
(0 . "region")
(0 . "3dsolid")
(0 . "*polyline")
(0 . "spline")
(0 . "ellipse")
(-4 . "OR>")
(if ss
(setq n (1- (sslength ss)))
(while (>= n 0)
(command "_.area" "_o" (ssname ss n))
(setq a (+ a (getvar "area"))
n (1- n))
) ;;close while
);;close progn
(alert "\nNo Objects with AREA selected!")
) ;;close if
) ;;close defun
(defun C:ListAREAM ()
(if (/= a 0)
(strcat "The total area of the selected object(s) is \n\n "
"\t " (rtos a 2 2) " Sq Millimeters,\nor\n "
"\t " (rtos (cvunit a "mm^2" "m^2") 2 3) " Sq. Meters, \n\nor\n\n "
(defun C:TAGAREAm ()
(if (/= a 0)
(setq str3
(rtos a 2 2) " Sq Millimeters\\P"
(rtos (cvunit a "mm^2" "m^2") 2 3) " Sq. Meters\\P"
(setq at2 (getpoint "\nLocation for text... "))
(command "Mtext" at2 "R" "0" "J" "MC" "W" "0" str3 "")