Hi Jurgen,
Thanks for trying to help me sort this out.
You are correct about the red line. It is my reference line 1446.1135 when it should be 1223.412
(Properties panel is open) Annotation is on.
- High lighted drawing
- Created block
- Named block, Base points are unchecked. Objects= convert to block. Behavior= Allow exploding. Annotative on Settings: block unit Meters (86828 objects selected)
- Checked reference line after making block (same reference line 1146.1135)
- Used zoom extends to get file back onto monitor
- (block reference panel) Geometry Position X=0, Position Y=0, Position Z=0, Scale X= .8460 Scale Y=.8460 Scale Z = can't scale z because it is not highlighted.
- Check reference line to see that it is correct.
- High light once again.
- Explode
- Elevation Z = incorrect. X, Y values are correct
If I block not using the Behavior = annotative unchecked.
After making block the new reference line is 56933.6033.
So, I used this value to scale X, Y = .0215, Z=1 in the Geometry
Checked reference line again (1224.07) which is fine.
Explode X,Y, correct Z = incorrect. ( One elevation line should be 5.5m and it is 216.5354)
I must be doing something wrong. Can't work it out. Sorry to bother you.
Really appreciate your help.