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Message 1 of 26
53119 Views, 25 Replies



I've always used AutoCAD out the box to model some pretty sophisticated as well as simple items.  I've worked AutoCAD since 1989.  I've never ever received so many modeling errors.  below are just a few I captured and copied to a log, just today.  I"ve provided the error and the command it failed in and the text therein.

MAYBE it's their new modeler idea.



Modeling Operation Error:

Error Code Number is 102007

Failed to perform blend.

Failure while chamfering.


The Boolean operation on solid and/or surface bodies failed.

Modeling Operation Error:

Error Code Number is 55000


Command: _solidedit

Solids editing automatic checking:  SOLIDCHECK=1

Enter a solids editing option [Face/Edge/Body/Undo/eXit] <eXit>: _body

Enter a body editing option

[Imprint/seParate solids/Shell/cLean/Check/Undo/eXit] <eXit>: _check

Select a 3D solid: This object is not a valid ShapeManager solid.


Command: _solidedit

Solids editing automatic checking:  SOLIDCHECK=1

Enter a solids editing option [Face/Edge/Body/Undo/eXit] <eXit>: _face

Enter a face editing option

[Extrude/Move/Rotate/Offset/Taper/Delete/Copy/coLor/mAterial/Undo/eXit] <eXit>: _delete

Select faces or [Undo/Remove]: 1 face found.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]:

Solid validation started.

Solid validation completed.

The remove operation failed to produce a valid ShapeManager solid.


Command: _solidedit

Solids editing automatic checking:  SOLIDCHECK=1

Enter a solids editing option [Face/Edge/Body/Undo/eXit] <eXit>: _face

Enter a face editing option

[Extrude/Move/Rotate/Offset/Taper/Delete/Copy/coLor/mAterial/Undo/eXit] <eXit>: _delete

Select faces or [Undo/Remove]: 1 face found.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]: 1 face found.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]: 1 face found.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]: 1 face found.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]:

Modeling Operation Error:

Error Code Number is 92009


Command: _solidedit

Solids editing automatic checking:  SOLIDCHECK=1

Enter a solids editing option [Face/Edge/Body/Undo/eXit] <eXit>: _face

Enter a face editing option

[Extrude/Move/Rotate/Offset/Taper/Delete/Copy/coLor/mAterial/Undo/eXit] <eXit>: _move

Select faces or [Undo/Remove]: 1 face found.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]: 2 faces found.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]: 1 face found.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]: 1 face found.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]: 2 faces found.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]: 2 faces found.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]: '_3DFOrbit Press ESC or ENTER to exit, or right-click to display shortcut-menu.

Resuming SOLIDEDIT command.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]: 1 face found.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]: 1 face found.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]:

Resuming SOLIDEDIT command.

Select faces or [Undo/Remove/ALL]:

Specify a base point or displacement:

Specify a second point of displacement:

Modeling Operation Error:

Error Code Number is 111008


Command: _subtract Select solids, surfaces, and regions to subtract from ..

Select objects: 1 found

Select objects:

Select solids, surfaces, and regions to subtract ..

Select objects: 1 found

Select objects: 1 found, 2 total

Select objects: 1 found, 3 total

Select objects: 1 found, 4 total

Select objects:

The Boolean operation on solid and/or surface bodies failed.

Modeling Operation Error:

Error Code Number is 84015





Distance1 = 0.0300, Distance2 = 0.0300

Select an edge or [Loop/Distance]:

Select another edge on the same face or [Loop/Distance]:

Modeling Operation Error:

Error Code Number is 102007

Failed to perform blend.

Failure while chamfering.


Command: _CHAMFEREDGE Distance1 = 0.0600, Distance2 = 0.0600

Select an edge or [Loop/Distance]:

Select another edge on the same face or [Loop/Distance]:

Select another edge on the same face or [Loop/Distance]:

Modeling Operation Error:

Error Code Number is 102069

Failed to perform blend.

Failure while chamfering.


Any ideas?

Tags (1)
Message 2 of 26
in reply to: ParishSouthBdx

@Anonymous wrote:



...Any ideas?

Can you attach example *.dwg that exhibits these issues?

Autodesk Inventor 2019 Certified Professional
Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional
Certified SolidWorks Professional

Message 3 of 26
in reply to: JDMather

Message 4 of 26
in reply to: ParishSouthBdx

@Anonymous wrote:

Can you attach example *.dwg that exhibits these issues?

Autodesk Inventor 2019 Certified Professional
Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Certified Professional
Certified SolidWorks Professional

Message 5 of 26
in reply to: ParishSouthBdx

Hi drafting2,


Are you using 3D solid models created in prior versions in AutoCAD 2018? If so, my guess is that the updated ASM modeler that we introduced in AutoCAD 2018 is catching additional data errors that were previously overlooked (but will bite you later). Error messages are displayed for errors that the newest ASM can't fix.


Anything that you can tell us about the data would be helpful.





Dieter Schlaepfer
Principal Learning Experience Designer
Autodesk, Inc.
San Rafael, California
Message 6 of 26
in reply to: dieters

I had attached the  drawing previously, but obviously it didn't make it over using microsoft outlook in a direct response to the discussion group.


anyway, I attempted to put a 1/2x45deg chamfer on the bottom outboard side of the part.  first off, I drew half, did my extrusions and subtractions then mirrored it.  then unioned it.  cleaned it.  checked it for "This object is a valid ShapeManager solid.".

first suspect item was when I tried to chamfer the bottom, I  gave it the criteria, selected the edge and noticed it still treated each side as separate.

even though they were unioned cleanly.

then the errors. 

I noticed that after only a few subtractions and unions, the part no longer has a "valid" status. it's not that cut and dry but 50-50 chance of it no longer being valid.


before I go into a lengthy discussion regarding the model errors......


I'd like to point out a few issues that I have just noticed in regards to AutoCAD 2018.


1.  if the mtext text box is used to change the text justification, the next time the drawing is opened, the text no longer has the justification chosen in the mtext editor.  it doesn't stick. I have to change mtext justification in the Properties. always.  Now given that the justification in the properties has  9 options and the mtext editor only 3 plus the spread, maybe I;'m missing something here.


2. text hgt in properties do not match txt hgt in mtext editor



Tags (1)
Message 7 of 26
in reply to: dieters

to provide additional info, I'm using AutoCAD2018.  I use 2d layout graphics to make my models.  Basic extruding, subtracting, union, cleanup, loft, etc.

Just today I extruded a 2.5in dia circle along a path I had made "ERROR CODE NUMBER IS 40021".  

Parts that I model are never bigger than 24" cube.  mostly 8dia x 12in long. +/-.

models are never huge.  5 mb tops +/-


Tags (1)
Message 8 of 26
in reply to: JDMather

JD MATHER you'll find the sample .dwg file in this thread

Tags (1)
Message 9 of 26
in reply to: ParishSouthBdx

Yes, I see the issue. When it tries to chamfer edges that run out to adjacent edges that have already been chamfered, the modeling engine gives up. When I do a Ctrl+Erase on the previously chamfered edges, I can chamfer a 2D loop as shown.


The workaround is a pain, but possible: create an interior profile of the sharp edges of the unchamfered "half-hole," extrude it, and then subtract the "plug" from the half hole.chamfer.png

Dieter Schlaepfer
Principal Learning Experience Designer
Autodesk, Inc.
San Rafael, California
Message 10 of 26
in reply to: dieters

I just had the same error (the first in his list) doing a chamfer on a hardware block for a door hinge.  Professionals pretty much all have large block libraries. Does Autodesk expect us to redraw them all in Autocad 2018?  I'm sorry, but if it works in 2016 I expect it to not error out in 2018. Saying the new version found an error all previous versions missed is simply making excuses for incomplete development.


Richard L.

Message 11 of 26
in reply to: rlaycock

I just had Error Code Number is 84030 when attempting to subtract a door from a solid wall?

I redrew the wall and door & tried it again & the same thing happened.

Both the wall & the door shapes were extruded from poly lines done in 2018?

Put this at the top of the "repair A.S.A.P. list":(


Thank you.



Everything in existence was first an Idea
Autodesk Plant 3D Premium 2019
Autodesk MEP 2019
HP 3.2 Ghz CPU 16 ram
1TB 7200 rpm SATA 6Gb/s hard drive
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Message 12 of 26
in reply to: mgalicki



please show your dwg-file, maybe we can find any reason or any workaround.

Also let us know which update you have installed for your AutoCAD 2018 (command _ABOUT)


- alfred -

ISH-Solutions GmbH / Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS ... ... LinkedIn ... CDay 2025

(not an Autodesk consultant)
Message 13 of 26
in reply to: Alfred.NESWADBA

No updates, unfortunately I closed down AutoCAD & after that the issue was gone??


Everything in existence was first an Idea
Autodesk Plant 3D Premium 2019
Autodesk MEP 2019
HP 3.2 Ghz CPU 16 ram
1TB 7200 rpm SATA 6Gb/s hard drive
2GB DDR3 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680ti
HP 2311x 23" LED Monitor
Message 14 of 26
in reply to: dieters

As I've said before on this same subject... 

As a professional with a library of over a thousand 3D blocks all drawn in Autocad from 2006 up I consider these errors in 2018 are due to the failure of Autodesk's programming. Especially since they were drawn CORRECTLY in YOUR SOFTWARE!  Autodesk should be giving us a date for the service pack that will error-trap what you inaccurately call "mistakes" in our Valid ShapeManager Solids.  Pointing fingers at the customers shelling out thousands of dollars for your software is not a very intelligent response.



Message 15 of 26
in reply to: rlaycock



Sorry--I had no intent to imply that you personally made any errors in modeling your solid models!


The issue was more likely due to a defect in the previous version of the ASM modeler. Upgrading to a newer version of ASM might have impacted models created with the earlier version. This possibility was enough of a concern when we made the update that we had customers test for issues during a Beta  program before it was released.


If there's any way that you can post or email me ( a few sample models that exhibit this problem, I'd be happy to involve our engineering team to see whether the update was the case or whether the behavior is due to a different problem. Please note that Autodesk will be closed until January 2.


Thanks and regards,



Dieter Schlaepfer
Principal Learning Experience Designer
Autodesk, Inc.
San Rafael, California
Message 16 of 26
in reply to: rlaycock

It's called development. It makes some people happy and some, not so happy.


Drafting is a breeze and Revit doesn't always work the way you think it should.
Message 17 of 26
in reply to: dieters

No offense taken Dieter.  This isn't personal. It's business. Most of the blocks I'm using were made by others, many straight from vendors. I'm adding machine code to models based on the insertion points of 3D Solid models for various parts and hardware.  I take existing solids and edit them to update or create new models.  It's essential that the applied machining is confirmed by the solid model when the engineers import this hardware. I mainly get these errors trying to simply move, edit or delete faces.  It makes a simple task a pain in the ass.


You don't need any help from me. Autodesk has more than enough resources, if it has the will, to simply do what I'm doing.  Work through a large library of Valid ShapeManager Solids gathered over the last eight years or so and start editing them.  You'll find some will generate those inscrutible errors.  Find a solution to prevent them so your customers can work more efficiently. 

I wish you the best of luck. 


Message 18 of 26
in reply to: rlaycock



>> No offense taken Dieter.  This isn't personal. It's business. 




As I said, Autodesk subjected the ASM upgrade to a Beta testing process. The only modeling errors we found came from a Beta customer who received solid models (actually, it turned out that they were 3D faces) from a source generated by a non-Autodesk application. I don't know whether this is the case in your situation and we've no way of verifying the issue without a sample block or two that fails. If there's an issue with AutoCAD, we'd like to fix it. If the issue is with a third party or some other reason, we won't be able to do so.


Hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Please note that Autodesk offices will be closed until January 2, 2019.


Best wishes,



Dieter Schlaepfer
Principal Learning Experience Designer
Autodesk, Inc.
San Rafael, California
Message 19 of 26
in reply to: dieters

please advise status to this issue as I too have similar issues... we completed multiple projects for a specific customer using R2013 and they just came back to us wanting a 100% duplicate on a super rush project... We are now using R2018 in which every project file is now corrupt when opened and deletes 95% of the CAD model. This is supposed to be a file-save-as exercise with a find/replace text and build to print... as it stands now... this AutoCad/Autodesk deficiency will now cause us hundreds of hours of rework we did not budget  nor have time for and will cause a schedule delay on a critical path project which happens to be a vaccine for this covid pandemic that we are all working through... what the heck happened between R2013 vs 2018 that says all previous project solids are junk?

Message 20 of 26
in reply to: Anonymous

Have you tried anything other than opening the files in 2018?


How about asking if anyone can help you get your files up to the newer format with little or no loss of work?


Also, if this is so critical, I would not be waiting for an update to an older version.


Drafting is a breeze and Revit doesn't always work the way you think it should.

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