welcome @Anonymous.autodesk.com!
>> 17-inch monitor, A4 paper, ZOOM SCALE = 1.65
To get what? And even more important, which display resolution, dpi scaling, ...
You can't compare monitor/display with paper, you can't set a zoom factor to be able to measure (with a ruler) anything on display to get the info about the length an object might have on paper. Just imagine how you would like to have an A0 paper displayed 1:1 on a 17" monitor.
Other situation: what will happen if you have a 17" monitor on your laptop + a 24" monitor as separate device and you have set the monitors to be cloned ... so you have the same display of a line (assume it's from left to right monitor border) ==> measure now that line on both monitors ==> different length on the ruler 😉 (next sample could be a beamer that displays your main display cloned, and the beamer changes it's distance to the presentation wall, also a proof that there is no "one zoom factor that makes a measurable length").
Use the command _DIST if you want to measure objects in AutoCAD and understand a monitor just as a relative device.
- alfred -
ISH-Solutions GmbH / Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS
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CDay 2025------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(not an Autodesk consultant)