SQL network based parts database including parametric PLC settings, terminal settings, DIN rail settings etc. A local database (for offline use) which is synced when connected to the network. Network database takes priority, local database for offline.
Single project specific settings file. Or better still, put the project files in the SQL database with local offline copy so that when a project is opened, there is one place, and one place only, to look for project specific settings and not multiple folders residing on the server nested within folder after folder looking at files with the same name in different locations differentiated by the priority in the Support Path Search Path tree etc....
The current method of 'hunt the file' really makes setup difficult and time consuming ensuring all users have the same priority on files, they are looking at the same folders and the server files are priority over local hard disk copies etc....
An central admin console to push out settings / configuration to all users so that everyone is working from the same settings.