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Importing from spreadsheet clears catalog data for multi-level terminals

Importing from spreadsheet clears catalog data for multi-level terminals

When using the import/export we are exporting to spreadsheet in order to clear item numbers and re-run the entire project.  We have to do this on few projects that come through but when we do have a project this is needed it is done multiple times until right, this might average to maybe 6-10 times a month but has impacted our productivity trying to figure out why panels seem to randomly lose connection from the panel terminal and schematic terminal and then to redo this.  I posted this to the forum after narrowing it down to the import function (which we didn't know was causing this before) and received a response from Pat Murnen that explained this was being cause by the 4xx field in the (PAR1_CHLD2) column not have MFG or CAT data but the system processing it anyway.  


Hoping to have a fix to prevent these fields from being processed so we can use the import/export without breaking the schematic/panel terminal link.  


Forum post

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