Hello, community,
I have what I hope is a very simple problem to solve, and I'd appreciate your feedback.
The problem:
I have a set of drawings that, when plotted to PDF, have certain items come in very light grey color, making it extremely difficult to read. The preview shows them in a dark color/black. When printed to actual paper, they're perfectly fine to read. So I'm not sure what's going on.
For some specificity, I am focusing on a few tables I had to create, where the Data text is just too faint to read. Other items throughout the drawing also come out as light grey (there are dozens of pages), usually descriptions for components.
The background:
This is a set of EPLAN drawings that were exported to AutoCAD. I've been applying redlines by using existing components, and a few additions here and there, such as the tables mentioned above. Most pages in the project are untouched, yet they do display some of these light grey text, so I am assuming it's part of the overall setting and not just something I did.
Plot settings:
- DWG To PDF.pc3
- ISO expand A4
- Extents
- Center the plot
- Fit to paper
- monochrome.ctb
- Shade, As displayed
- Quality, Normal.
- Plot object lineweights
- Plot with plot styles
- Landscape
Fixes attempted:
- I have tried different PDF plotters, and they all turn out the same. The only one that seemed to make a different was Microsoft Print to PDF, but the page distribution is off.
- I have tried different plot style tables, including monochrome.ctb, acad.ctd, etc., to no avail. I have gone as far as to create a new one, and assign Index Color 7 to all of the available plot styles, to no avail.
- I have unselected the Plot Options mentioned above, with no success.
- I have gone into the Table Style editor and changedthe color of the Data text to multiple things, including ByLayer, and Index Color 7, to no avail.
- In essence, I have been making attempts checking and unchecking every item on the Plot screen that I can think of and it doesn't work, as well as manually changing every color of every item I can think of, and it doesn't make a different.
Likely a case of "you don't know what you don't know". But, do you have any suggestions?