ACADE comes equipped with a System Variable Monitor. The message you see is telling you that there is a system variable (aka SYSVAR) whose value is different from the 'recommended' value.
This could be because of many reasons, ranging from custom LISP routines to your personal customizations in OPTIONS, etc.
In your case, the sysvar in question is PICKAUTO. This variable corresponds to the selections under 'Implied Windowing' selections in the OPTIONS dialog. You'll find it on the 'Selection' tab. ACADE recommends a value of 5, and you are running with a value of 3.
The value of 3 is a result of choosing 'Implied Windowing' along with 'Allow Press and Drag on an Object'. The value of 5 is set by choosing 'Implied Windowing' and 'Allow Press and Drag for Lasso'. These values can also be changed by typing in the name of the sysvar at the command line and then editing it there.
I would advise correcting the sysvar in the message you're seeing. It might affect some commands, because it is dictating how objects are selected. Some of them don't matter too much, but it looks to me like this one might.
I'm not sure if resetting the sysvar in the error dialog will fix it forever. Some sysvar values are held in the drawings on an individual basis. If you see this pop up with every drawing, make the changes in the OPTIONS dialog, and that should override anything that is set individually in the drawings themselves.
Also, note that you can change when you see those notifications. I prefer to go with balloon notifications only. You can also add/delete sysvars from the list and keep them from being monitored altogether.
Hope this helps,
Jim Seefeldt
Electrical Engineering Technician