Hi AutoCAD Electrical Forum...
I have a rather strange accurance, and I'm unable te get a newly installed AutoCAD Electrical 2020 to work.
For those at AutoDesk, I have presiously sent a couple emails & chatted to your OnLine Chat support:
- Ref : CaseNo:15827287 🙂
Here is a copy of email I sent (but did not get a reply)...
Hi AutoCAD Support.
Following my Chat earlier, I have the following updates...
I have done a complete "Clean Uninstall" as per the knowledgebase 🙂
- This seemed to go well 🙂
I have then re-installed AutoCad Electrical 2020, using the Download manager, from my Online account page 🙂
- Again, this seemed OK.
- I Rebooted...
Ran AutoCad Electrical 2020 (ACE) from my desktop icon.
I am still getting the same problems as earlier...
- As software loads, I get a Popup ref 'acvmtools.crx' : See attached screenshot...
- As software continues, I get 27+ instances of the AdSSO Popup window ("AdSSO has stopped working") : See attached screenshot...
- At some point, I also get the "Lets get started" window, which looks like it is trying to set up a licence?
- A select "Single User", popup window closes, but nothing happens!!!
- Then more AdSSO windows popup!!!
When all windows have finished popping up, I close them all (if not done earlier)
- I can then do NOTHING on the Open AutoCAD Electrical 2020 window 😞
- 'Left' & 'Right' Click on my mouse has NO action on ANY parts of the ACE window or menus 😞
- Other than sounding a "PING"!
- I have to open the Task Manager & kill the process 😞
I have gone back into my AutoDesk Desktop App...
- I have checked all the latest updates & installed these.
- I then Rebooted...
- When I re-run ACE, I get the SAME sequence, as in '4)' above !!
I've even done a 'Repair' to the AdSSO !!
I'm a bit stuck as to what to do next??...
At this point, I'm assuming there is a problem with the Licence manager??
- Is this a problem with how Student Licences are working??
Please help, as I need this working ASAP...
Many thanks for your ongoing support...
If anyone can help, I'd be very grateful 🙂