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Issue with Fields (referencing another attribute value) changing location and not updating in Attribute Text of block


Issue with Fields (referencing another attribute value) changing location and not updating in Attribute Text of block


Im making some PLCIO blocks for our company, and while doing so with our wire numbering scheme we use I want to use the remote rack slot number on the terminal wire label marker next to the PLC (part of the PLC block). I seem to be encountering two issues while doing this:


  1. The slot number that I used as a field text is swapping places with another number somehow when I insert the block, but in the block editor AND in the file for the block it shows the field in the correct location.
  2. The fields don't want to update most of the time? Sometimes when I try to regen, updatefields, or attsync the field doesn't update to whatever I change the SLOT_NUMBER attribute to. Sometimes it has worked, but it isn't consistent.


I made the slot number an attribute so the user can change it as needed, and I want the Wire/Terminal labels to update to reflect the new slot number after a regen / updatefields command. I created the block, made the attributes, used ctrl+f to insert field, selected "object, pick object (selected the SLOT_NUMBER attribute), then selected Value".


When inserting the block into a fresh drawing, the field text swaps places with the remote rack number (which is just regular text in the attribute). I have no clue how this is possible, it seems to also be happening to other blocks I have created like this. trying the "attsync", "regen", and "updatefields" commands don't correct the placement of the field text. If I change the SLOT_NUMBER attribute and regen the drawing the field text only sometimes updates but is still in the wrong location (and I cant figure out what causes the fields to NOT update most of the time.

2 Replies
Replies (2)


I really like your enthusiasm here, as I can see that you know plain AutoCAD well.


AutoCAD Electrical however don't play well with much of the standard functionality from AutoCAD. 

When inserting symbols some processing will be done by AcadE, and it seems like it breaks some field-functionality in this case. 


I really hope someone else has a better answer for you.

Trond Hasse Lie
EPLAN Expert and ex-AutoCAD Electrical user.
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First of all, don't use fields if the value is going to be different from component to component.


A field will ALWAYS go to the item it was set up to look at. So all your blocks will show the same slot number rather than looking to the correct slot number. It will also run into problems if there are multiple sources that it looks to.

You also have the problem of a missing object which will cause the field to be blank or have spurious information in it.


As for the automatic field updating, that is controlled in ACAD Options and is only updated upon Open, Save, Plot, eTransmit & Regens. There are no other options.


Now getting to the PLC blocks...


Add a LINE1 & LINE2 attribute to your block for both the Rack & Slot numbers. These are the default attributes for these two items. They will be passed down to further PLC blocks as required as long as the other blocks have those attributes as well. No need for fields to do so.


My suggestion is to insert a Parametric PLC, explode it and see what makes it work. Then apply that your blocks.

Optionally, you can set up your PLC as an entry in the Parametric system by exploring the current entries.


With the wire numbers, I know there is an check box in the 'Dwg Properties -> Wire Numbers'  to tell ACAD to scan for PLC I/O addresses on insert for the Auto number function to insert the addresses as part of the wire label. I'm not sure if the Slot/Rack is part of the number however as I haven't had much to do with PLC's.


Regards Brad


Brad Coleman, Electrical Draftsman
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