AutoCad Electrical Right Click Menu not working


AutoCad Electrical Right Click Menu not working

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This problem started a few days ago for no apparent reason. I right click over an electrical component and nothing happens just the standard acad menu. after some research I found online where somebody recommended doing a defaults reset on autocad electrical, I did that and nothing changed. I also found where it by typing (vlr-mouse-reactor nil '((:vlr-beginRightClick . wd_checkRClick))) you could make the menus to come up and after typing that line of text the menus come up but do nothing. I have checked and made sure that I was on ACADE workspace, I have also checked parameter pickfirst which is "1", also checked pickadd which is "2" and I have even deleted a file called lastproj and now I can get one drawing to show the electrical menus and get them to work but 2 other drawings out of the same project dont work. I also noticed that when the menus dont work I can zoom in and out of a drawing and I will not be asked to save the drawing and it will close the drawing without saving it. 


I have done a complete re-install of autocad 2017 and the problem still exists, running out of options and time on this project that is near completion. I have opened other projects and I have the same issue. 


Any help will be appreciated, I am not an expert autocad electrical user but never had a problem like this.


Thank you very much

26 Replies
Replies (26)


Hi there,


You have checked quite a few setting.  Have you checked the Options > User Preferences > Right-click Customization?  If that does not do it, head over to the Help and search for Right Click.  Remember, these settings will apply to the drawing, not the project.  It sounds like several drawings in your project have very different settings.


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Good luck



Screenshot - 8_8_2016 , 3_11_51 PM.png

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Hi again,


I reread you post and have two questions.  Where are you checking to see the work space you are in?


Do you have a menu bar on your screen?  The way you say it makes me wonder if maybe you do not have the tools displayed.  If them menu bar as seen at the top of my screen is not present, type MENUBAR on the command line and set the value = 1.



Screenshot - 8_8_2016 , 3_47_00 PM.png

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Thank you very much for your response. I just checked all drawings and they are all in the same workspace. Please see picture below. I have also checked the right click customization and all settings are checked like you  suggested. Today as I open ACADE 2017, I dont have the right click options that I had yesterday on one drawing. This is really confusing on why its happening and truly I am out of options now. Any help will be appreciated. Is there a way to do a complete installation and make sure all traces of autodesk is cleared. I uninstalled all the software shown under programs and deleted all autodesk folders that I could find. Is there a way to determine if this is a project issue or a software issue. I have opened other projects and still found that they have the same issue.


Thank you  



Could it be that the drawings are missing the WD_M block?

Type ATTDISP and set it to ON. Check the coordinate 0,0 to see if you see some attributes/texts here.


It might also be that the WD_M block is corrupt.
Try the command AESWAPWDM to update the WD_M block in the problematic drawings.


Also, remember to set ATTDISP back to NORMAL 🙂

Trond Hasse Lie
EPLAN Expert and ex-AutoCAD Electrical user.
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I do see the attributes / text at 0,0 location and also near each schematic symbol. I also did the AESWAPWDM command and get a text command line (see attached picture), not sure if I am using that command correctly but after entering it thats what I get and still no fix to the issue I have.


Thanks for all the efforts.


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Also, I am not sure if it makes a difference but the icon menu under the schematics tab does not work either.


Well I have never used the UPDATE WD_M BLOCK but you can read up on the HELP how to ...


For the HELP > AutoCAD Electrical search criteria type UPDATE WD_M


Good luck

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The Icon menu doesn't work... Does that apply to all drawings as well, or only the problem-drawings?

You should check the properties of the project and make sure that the icon menu and symbol library paths are correct (and accessible).


As you have done everything else, including reinstall, the problem must be the project/drawings somehow.


Trond Hasse Lie
EPLAN Expert and ex-AutoCAD Electrical user.
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Hi again,


One last hurrah,


When the plane is going down in flames it is time to put down the hose and grab the parachute; any landing you walk away from is a good landing.


Sorry you are having such difficulty. I know it can be frustrating. Depending on the number of drawing in the project, the number of drawings misbehaving, how much intelligent data has been installed (part number, mfg, location codes, etc.) and how much time you don't have, there are a couple of last ditch efforts I would try out of sheer desperation. My idea of blunt force trauma for when I am out of ideas and the project is out of time.


  1. If you suspect the fault is in the drawings, not the project, I would try this to see what happens. If, say, drawing 10 is not working right, start a new drawing in the project. Verify the new drawing does not have problems. Go to drawing 10, use the plain AutoCAD copy function, grab everything except the title block, and paste it into the new drawing. Verify that the problems did not come along with it. Use the new drawing to replace drawing 10. If it works, do the rest of the problem drawings in a similar fashion.
  2. If you suspect the fault is in the project setting/management, start a new project by copying from a known good project. Just copy in one sheet for the new project, hopefully the first sheet in your projects is just a generic cover sheet. Once you have the new project ready to go, add the good drawings to the new project and Apply Project Settings to all of them. Spot check to see that everyone is happy. Then, very carefully, add the problem drawings in, one at a time. Be sure to Apply Project Setting every time you bring a drawing into the project and verify nothing has blown up. If the problem follows with the drawings, you may have to do solution #1 after all. 
  3. If you can post up one of the problem drawings, maybe one of the gurus watching this post can dissect it to find out what is going on. 
  4. And at the end of the day, when the smoke has cleared, delete that project with extreme prejudice.


Good luck

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Just another piece of information that I found and hope that it shines some light on this issue. I went to another computer we have and opened an old job, everything works great. Then I proceed to open this "TROUBLE" project and the trouble project doesn't work on that computer, either. I close the trouble project and open the older project that was working fine and all of the sudden this older project does not work anymore. It seems that this project is causing the issue within ACADE. How could this possibly happen? 


Thanks in advance.


If you could send me a project/drawing, I'd be glad to take a closer look. E-mail me at thl(at) .
If it's large, just share it via dropbox or something...

Trond Hasse Lie
EPLAN Expert and ex-AutoCAD Electrical user.
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Thanks for sending the project. Unfortunately.. I'm not able to reproduce the error. Opened all the drawings, and the right click menus work as expected for all sheets 😄


Found one strange thing. There are no Schematic Symbol libraries specified?! Just select Schematic Libraries and press the default-button. Does this populate the schematic libraries? Also.. the Panel Libraries is pointing to AcadE 2015... Might cause some trouble later on.



Do you use some custom files? Have you done changes to WD.ENV or anything like that?

Trond Hasse Lie
EPLAN Expert and ex-AutoCAD Electrical user.
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Tried on a different computer now, with AcadE 2017, and even here everything works as expected 😞

Trond Hasse Lie
EPLAN Expert and ex-AutoCAD Electrical user.
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Community Visitor
Community Visitor
I have the exact same issue. I have tried all the above steps. Will be watching this thread closely.


Hi there,


Just an update for the group.


Funny thing, this happened to me last week. I tried everything to repair the software. Nothing worked and I do not think I am a nubi with this software package. The last-ditch effort was to use the Control Panel tool to Reinstall the software. All the tools came back but I lost all of the custom settings and some of the standard files like report ‘.set’ files were deleted.


The only thing I have narrowed this down to is that I was running on ACE2014. Our IT installed ACE2017. I asked that ACE2014 be left on my machine to make Migration a little easier. I ran the Migration tool and it looked fine but things went to hell went I tried to fire up ACE2014. The only common thread I can see is that I had the same custom Profile name in ACE2014 and ACE2015. It may sound a little goofy that one should affect the other but I do not see any other common thread. I am grabbing at straws and will not fire up ACE2017 again until my current project is complete. Then I will have time to fiddle with this screw-up.


It is not advertised as working like this but when the plane is in flames and the tree tops are directly in front of you …..


Good luck

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I am still getting the "no function definition: VLR-MOUSE-REACTOR" error and disappearance of the right-click menu every 1 - 3 weeks, and having to reinstall AcadE every time. I only have Inventor and Vault installed besides AcadE 2016, so the parallel install theory doesn't hold for me.

I think I'm getting close to narrowing down the issue: maybe we need to look at wd_load.lsp. This is where VLR-MOUSE-REACTOR is defined (lines 367 - 373 by NEHolt ?).



The function vlr-mouse-Reactor is part of AutoCAD lisp, and not something special for AcadE.


So, when the problem arises, and you type (vlr-mouse-Reactor) on the command line, it returns "no function"?

If you type (vl-load-com) , what does it say then?

Trond Hasse Lie
EPLAN Expert and ex-AutoCAD Electrical user.
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And... If you type (vlr-reactors) you should get a list of active reactors. Do you get anything listed?

Trond Hasse Lie
EPLAN Expert and ex-AutoCAD Electrical user.
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Hi Trond,


Thanks for the reply. I did find references to those commands. Since they were in parentheses (), I thought maybe i needed to run them in the VLISP window? I don't remember what happened when I ran them in the normal AutoCAD console, but as soon as my reactor disappears again, I'll try them and reply.