How to: move block reference back to insertion point?


How to: move block reference back to insertion point?

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Hello people of the AutoCAD universe... Today is the day I finally cave in and make a post. I've been able to find answers for all my other questions except for this one. 


Problem: Attached is are images of the problem I am experiencing. I am working with a very old .dwg file, converted from .dgn from Microstation. There are doors and frames floating out in space in all directions, on all 5 levels.


Final goal: Bring the clean .dwgs into Revit as links or imports to build a full 3D model from. 


Image 1: I have scaled the original drawing by 12, so 1" = 1". Prior to that, the doors were still floating out in space. The blue cross is where the origin is. Upon further zoom in, you can see...


Block Reference Problem 1.jpg

Image 2: All of the Block References have insertion points exactly where the doors need to go. It seems that the distances of the doors relative to their insertion points have been scaled by some factor. I'm not sure how I'd go about scaling them back. I really want to avoid moving every single door back in its proper place. 


Block Reference Problem 2.jpg

Image 3 & 4: Image of 2 doors and their corresponding insertion points. You can see how far apart they are in relation to how close they need to be. 



Block Reference Problem 3.jpg







Block Reference Problem 4.jpg



Image 5: Additional, but not critical, question: is there a preset translation of the 63 Microstation layers into AutoCAD? I've also spent some time looking for this, to no avail. You can see I've attached what I think each layer corresponds to, but some I am clueless about.

Block Reference Problem 5.jpg

Thanks in advance! 



Accepted solutions (2)
3 Replies
Replies (3)

Accepted solution

Right click on each actual door that has strayed. Choose Block editor.  Zoom extents in Bedit. Move <pick where you want the insertion point to be> then enter 0,0 for second point.


Alternate (I don't prefer this but it works 😞  In bedit use the base point parameter and put it where you want the insertion to be.

Architect, Registered NC, VA, SC, & GA.

Accepted solution

I'm not sure there is a process to automatic fix everything at once and not manually fix individual things. Instead of trying to fix the doors and put them all back why not just put the drawing into revit how it is. Trace over it really quick and then just put the doors where they belong. If you need to move each door back individually why not just put them all into revit individually and have a better working revit model? I don't know how big or complex the drawing is, but my thought is by the time you move everything back to how it should be, you could probably just redraw it over in revit. Then you will have a fully functioning revit drawing instead of a revit file started from some old messed up dgn to dwg to rvt conversion. 



I only say this because I work with lots of old plans drawn by someone that just made up their standards as they went apparently . Not every time but most times after I finally get something functioning correctly I have so much time in fixing stuff that I could have just redrew it from scratch or traced over it as an underlay. Plus even if I get everything fixed I always find more problems later that need fixed or worked around. I've learned my lesson and if something is in bad enough shape it's easier to redraw it.


I know I didn't answer your question, but starting over is sometimes not something people consider. You can waste a week trying to fix something and after it all works realize you could have just redrew the entire thing in a day or two, and saved 3 days of headaches. 

Nick DiPietro
Cad Manager/Monkey


Hi @Anonymous,


It looks like both @dbroad and @gotphish001 provided some good recommendations to help you with your block reference issue. Did either of their posts help you?

If so, please click Accept as Solution on the posts that helped you so others in the community can find them easily.

Victoria Studley
Principal Experience Designer - Fusion Configurations
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