I'm trying to preview lens distortions in the monitor. Unfortunately KtoA does not seem to properly forward the uv_remap parameter to arnold. When I have a material solely consisting of an aiImage and specify that in the uv_remap parameter Arnold flags this in the log:
00:00:00 332MB WARNING | linking "persp_camera()" to "image(uv_remap)": target parameter "uv_remap" not recognized
I can in fact see that this param is not exported properly if I check the ass file. If I specify it manually in there and render with kick it works as expected.
I tried with both ktoa and ktoa via ArnoldGlobalSettings and ArnoldCameraSettings. It works when creating a camera shader manually (image -> persp_camera), but it would be a lot more convenient to do it via AGS/ACS.
It works as expected in Maya.
I suppose this is a bug - would be nice to get a workaround for this.