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CRITICAL: Stop [ge_container.cpp(801)]

Message 1 of 24
1279 Views, 23 Replies

CRITICAL: Stop [ge_container.cpp(801)]


I've been trying to render on pixel-low and ranchcomputing a project that renders properly on my computer, but both farms return me this error :

CRITICAL: Stop [ge_container.cpp(801)]

My scene is really heavy and complex, I'm trying to delete parts of the scene to get my hands on what's causing the crash but does someone know what this error 801 means ?

Thanks a lot


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Message 2 of 24
in reply to: pacox21

I sent 28 versions of the project to the farm, the critical error keeps showing up. I can't understand what's causing it. Any help with the signification of this error would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys

Message 3 of 24

This error message comes from the C4D command line does not say much unfortunately. Can you check the Arnold log if there's anything which can give us a clue?

Is the farm rendering on linux? There's a known issue with volumes on linux which is causing a crash.

Message 4 of 24
in reply to: pacox21

Hey Peter,

I rendered a low resolution frame at home to get the log. I don't see anything problematic in it ... Verbosity level is set to debug.

There are no volumetric in my scene so that should not be a problem. Ranch Computing didn't give any chance to the project to start rendering : it stops right away with the message error I gave you.

Loading Project: C:\MAXON\CurrentJob\plan_03_.c4d Rendering frame 0 at <Sat Jul 10 22:07:23 2021> Rendering Phase: Setup Progress: 0% CRITICAL: Stop [ge_container.cpp(801)] CRITICAL: Stop [ge_container.cpp(801)] Error: application crashed

Pixelplow DOES render the image but displays the warning messages in loop hundreds of times and it takes over 3 hours to render 1 frame, whereas it takes 30mn at home (with a cinebench around 4800). According to their documentation it should be pretty much the same speed than on my computer, so I'm guessing there is something the farms doesn't like in my scene ... ?

I've got a lot of objects with displacement so that might cause a problem ? There are warnings in the pixel plow logs I don't see in this one about recommended minimum value for vertex distance or something like that (can't remember sorry).

I really don't know I tried to delete all my objects one by one, all my AOVs, lights, etc ... The error message keeps showing up until everything is gone ...

Thanks for your time Peter ...


Message 5 of 24
in reply to: pacox21

actually the error about minimum value shows up as well

disp] /Null/Rambarde_ALL_0/poteaux_1|Null/poteau_arnold_5/poteau: padding is at least 10x smaller than it should be! given disp_padding: 0, recommended: 0.00226765126

but NOT the CRITICAL: Stop [ge_container.cpp(801)] that's displayed by the farms ???

Message 6 of 24

Can't you get an Arnold log from the farm? It should be printed to the console output by default, or if you can alter the command line, then you can write it to a file with the -arnoldLogFile flag. See

You can try to render with the 'ignore textures' flag maybe, to see if that helps.

Message 7 of 24

Hello Peter,

I launched a new render on pixel plow to get a log, ranch computing crashing right after loading the project there is nothing else in the log than the error message 801.

As you can see the log is very long with an endless list of warnings, and render is way too Log_pixelplow.txt long. Here it is 15% done after 37mn while it would already be rendered on my PC.

Message 8 of 24
in reply to: pacox21

I don't get why it keeps issuing warning messages all along the render. Shouldn't it be done at the beginning once and for all ?
Message 9 of 24
in reply to: pacox21

Me again, once it gets to the 15% mark, warning messages are (almost) over and then the render just speeds up, with 45% of the image rendered in 30mn to get to 60% (when the first 15% took 37mn).

I also join the image actually rendered in 640p just so you know what we are talking about ... The center of the image is a bit longer because of the glass (spec depth is pushed to 3 or 4 to get nice colors in it), but I don't think it explains the problem.


Message 10 of 24

The 'discarded 1 duplicate deformation keys' warning coming from motion blur, when keys are exported for a shape which is not animated. I guess they are fired when a ray hits the object, hence the messages appear during the render.

I wonder if you render with motion blur disabled makes any difference.

Message 11 of 24

I also noticed that the version (Arnold is not the latest, although it's a recent version, so I don't think it's an issue. Do you render with the same version locally?

Memory usage is also quite high. Do you have the stats from the end of the render log maybe?

Message 12 of 24

No I don't, the log is erased the second the frame is rendered and there is no way to download it at this moment.

I'm running 3.3.7 /

About the memory usage I'm not surprised I've got dozens of textures, a lot are 8k, and a lot of my objects are based on displacement.

Message 13 of 24
in reply to: pacox21

About no Blur, I'll give it a try later today ! For now I just decided to brute force the render on pixelplow anyways, my clients needs his frames asap and is willing to pay the price...

Maybe I'll write to ranch computing as well to see if they can see why the program crashed ... My guess is that it is just a safety feature, preventing the user to waste money on bad renders when a "critical" error is fired. It happened already to me on their system. Fortunately they are in Paris and they are very efficient with customer support.

Message 14 of 24
in reply to: pacox21

here is the end of a local log with the memory infos (rendered at 640p though)locallog-arnold.TXT

Message 15 of 24

I'll ask Maxon about that CRITICAL error, maybe they'll have any insights.
Message 16 of 24
in reply to: pacox21

I found what was causing the error : it was the cloners inside cloners.

Unfortunately it doesn't solve my problem, the scene is still crashing on the ranch and takes 4 hours to render a frame on pixelplow that takes 30mn on my PC .... Here is the ranch crash log ... crash_ranch.txt

I tried to optimize my scene as best I could : unchecked deformation in motion blur settings, deactivated subdivision and displacement on every objects a bit far away (a bit like LOD), tried to render without motion blur ...

Nothing works ... I don't know what to do. Rendering on my PC is the only reliable solution at this point but it would be too long ...

Message 17 of 24

I could be completely wrong but maybe the high memory usage is causing the trouble? Do you know if there's any limit on the farm? The crash could be caused by out of memory, and swapping could cause the slow down.

It's a pity that the end of the log from pixelplow is missing. We could see the I/O and memory usage in there.

So you tried rendering without motion blur and the render time was similarly high?

Message 18 of 24

Actually I cut it off after 30mn and it was not even at 5% (while it would be over on my PC), so I can't be sure, but it was way too slow than it should be anyways

Is there any ways to lower memory usage ? Does it come from textures or geometry ?

Now I'm trying to convert my scene to an ass file ...

Message 19 of 24

Looking at your local log seems like memory usage is coming from geometry, the texture cache peak is 431 MB.
Message 20 of 24

thank you Peter. I rely heavily on displacement and therefore I need a lot of vertex to generate the objects according to the client wishes ... Maybe that's causing the problem ...

I just uploaded a scene whit everything not animated converted to .ass and after 10mn I've got 15% of a frame rendered, which seems more normal to me. I don't want to be over optimistic but it seems to do the trick ... And it loads hyper fast on my PC now, IPR is ultra responsive even with a heavy scene, that's awesome !

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