The file AliasPrefs.scm can be in 2 places. If you have ever successfully run AliasDesign (or AliasAutoStudio or AliasSurface) the file used will be here...
If you have not successfully run the file in the distribution area will be used...
The name of the directorys change depending on what product you are running.
The change I made is to a single variable in that readable ascii file.
(ui-interface-symbol "learning_movies_dont_show_option" 0)
(ui-interface-symbol "learning_movies_dont_show_option" 1)
This change will prevent the "Essential Skills" Window from opening. When I do that I can run Alias on a machine with NVidia graphics on High Sierra.
It's possible that your cut is not running for some other reason, but If I was you I would look at files in both location to see if the value is set to 1.