Good morning,
yes, you are correct: if a file name contains spaces, you would need to use quotation marks around that file name to indicate the beginning and the end of the file name. Assume your input STL file has name T5 Test.stl, then you would need to specify that as an input file by the -i option in the following way:
-i "T5 Test.stl"
The same applies to the output option -o, as to any other option parameter that includes spaces.
If you miss to do it like that, the command line translator will struggle to figure out the options you are using (as parameters to executable (like StlToAlias.exe) are separated by spaces).
Your screen shot Capture4.jpg is already showing the help screen of the command line tool.
So, let's compare the used options in Alias' UI with the ones used by StlToALias.exe
-l 1^ -- Logfile Output
-c 1^ -- Convert Colors
-s 0^ -- Color Scheme := RGB (1 would be BGR)
-u 1^ -- Input Units := Millimeters
-m 1^ -- Merge Vertices
-t 0.000100^ -- Tolerance Value (as used by merge vertices)
-productKey 966L1 -productVersion 2020.0.0.F -productLicenseType USER^
-productLicensePath "c:\Program Files\Autodesk\AliasAutoStudio2020\bin\LICPATH.LIC"^
-i "<your_stl_file>"^
-o "<target_wire_file>"
As you can see, you are using the exact same parameters for the command line translator as you do in Alias UI (according to your screen shot). Which is fine - but leaves me for the moment without any idea why STL translation does not yield any result when using Alias' UI.
Some maybe dumb questions for the case you are using Alias' UI for the STL translation:
- Have you waited "long enough" for the result? (Like 3 mins)
- Have you tried also tried File > Open instead of File > Import > File?
- Have you checked Windows > Object Lister if there are really no objects present in your wire file?
- Have you tried to reset your display by using Layouts > Perspective (or F8 as a short cut)? Is the View Cube showing up again?
And finally, in case you are using the command line variant of the translator:
- Have you opened the yielded wire file in Alias?
- Is the data showing up in this case?
- Are the meshes visible or invisible?
Thomas Rausch
Software Development Manager